Chapter 7: Vet

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Arron saw surprise and anger flash over Rylan's face before he hesitantly backed off of him to turn toward his father.

"Did you throw your little brothers out of your room again? And what are you doing to our guest?" Jordan asked with a raised eyebrow.

The man didn't sound nearly as happy as he had been earlier, and judging from the few bits of rice stuck in his beard, he was still rather hungry.

"I... threw them out because they were attacking him." He said awkwardly.

Jordan crossed his arms over his muscular chest at his son's words.

"Okay. Now tell me why you are trying to dominate him? And don't say that he tried to attack you, because I swear I'll take away your car if you even think about it."

Rylan looked like he had been caught red-handed with his paw in the cookie jar, but Arron wasn't going to argue on his behalf. He was a kitten, after all. If he'd tried to dominate a normal sized lion he'd be used as a toothpick.

Speaking of, Arron actually needed to go to the vet the next day for a check up and to get registered for the study he'd been partaking in at his old vet, who had been obsessed with his cheetah's lack of growth as he'd aged.

He knew that his old vet had likely already contacted the local one to keep his studies going. At least it wasn't anything invasive, just a shot to turn him into his feline form, then the basics, weight, teeth, eyes, reflexes. He just wished that there weren't any shots involved.

"I was just..."

"Rylan. Just don't do it again. I expect more from you. You should be able to control your lion far better than that."

Rylan chewed on his bottom lip before mumbling a quiet. "Yes, sir."

When his father nodded and turned his attention back to Arron, he suddenly remembered that he was butt naked again, and still laying in Jordan's son's bed. With a squeak he jumped up and quickly ran out the door. He could feel Rylan's lion push against his conscience right away, wanting to give chase.

Thank god his dad is standing right there.

"Rylan, I know you have practice tomorrow, but I need you to take Arron to his appointment at the vet, then home." Jordan said as Arron disappeared down the hall.

"But dad! That's an important practice. We have a game Friday."

"And you'll just have to miss half of it. Whether you like it or not, Arron is now part of this family. You would take your little brother's to the vet if they needed to go, so you'll stop complaining and be glad Arron thought to take the latest appointment so that you could at least practice for an hour. How about you thank him for waiting after school for an hour so you can at least do some practicing, instead of being pissed off about having to leave early?"

Rylan bristled, not having paid much attention to the extra stuff his father was saying as he stepped forward.

"But dad, why do we even have to house that cheetah? If he changes while we're not home, you know Jared and Jamie won't be able to keep their paws off of him. Their lions are too young, as you've just seen."

While Arron normally hated people talking about him, he was kind of right. He shouldn't be in a house full of lions. Even if his instincts didn't attract danger, he was still the number one predator they would kill in the wild, and their instincts told them just that when he turned into his cheetah form.

Arron honestly couldn't blame those two little boys for losing control. He'd done that several times when he had seen little frogs or lizards run across his path. Thankfully, he could control it more now, but he still had to keep his eyes off the sidewalk as much as possible, just in case.

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