Chapter 31: Pull it Together

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(These chapters are in a specific order as this book has been complete for many years and that detail of it will never change. Please stop asking for different orders. It is not going to happen and is not possible without rewriting the entire story. Wait for the book to be over soon if you want to read just specific parts.)


Rylan bristled when the guy ignored him as he quickly paced down the hall toward his first period class. I get that I wasn't the nicest guy, but at least acknowledge me... I missed you. When Arron turned, Rylan motioned for him to come back, but Arron quickly shook his head as the bell began to ring. When he ran off a second later, Rylan growled quietly in frustration. After shoving away the girl who was currently hanging onto his arm like a hungry jackal, he quickly stomped after him. His lion was pacing right beneath his skin, unhappy about being ignored, school bell or not.

When he stepped into their first period class he noticed Arron collecting homework from the teacher that he'd done for him, a confused look on his face. Arron clearly felt his eyes on him as the teacher pointed out a few parts that he had gotten wrong, since Rylan couldn't have matched their sheets up one hundred percent or he'd risk getting caught doing Arron's work, because he glanced sideways at him a few times.

Slightly satisfied, Rylan took his seat, quietly waiting for Arron to finish with the teacher. When they were done talking, he motioned Arron toward him with a finger. This time, the guy came over to him right away.

"Why didn't you come when I called to you in the hallway?" He asked, trying to keep his voice friendly while his lion was still frustrated.

Arron looked down at that, his face turning the faintest bit pink.

Grabbing his waist, Rylan tried to pull him into his lap, but the guy quickly squirmed away and dropped down into the empty seat beside him.

"Everyone, calm down please it's time to start class." The teacher said loudly before Rylan could try to get Arron again.

After class. He told his lion. It would be pacing during the entire lecture, but thankfully it was just a review day.

He waited for Arron to pack up his notebook and pencil once the teacher had finished lecturing before tossing his backpack over his shoulder with his own, then adding him to them. They got some stares for it, but that was the point. 

He carried him up several flights of stairs to the roof and locked the door behind himself before setting Arron on his feet.

"So, where were you this past week?" Rylan asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry I disappeared, someone kidnapped me." Arron said, barely able to meet his eyes. His lion must have been showing through them.

That's what his mother had told him and his father, but he wanted to hear the real story, and he also wanted to know who the hell the guy was that had dropped him off.

"Who was that guy last night?" He asked, unable to keep the words from leaving his mouth.

The smile that instantly flooded Arron's face had Rylan's lion grumbling to be set free. It wanted that smile for itself.

"He saved me from the man who had kidnapped me. His name is Larro." He said, nearly beaming at the memory of the guy.

"Uh, Rylan?" Arron said after he didn't reply for a bit.

Crap, didn't realize I was letting my mane come out. Calm down.

"I don't like the idea of you being around him." He finally growled out, though he knew that it was illogical to say. Larro, as far as he knew, hadn't done anything but help Arron, yet he still didn't like him.

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