Chapter 22: A Phone Call

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He wasn't quite sure what to tell the kid. He was looking up at him with watery eyes, face frightened and confused, and he couldn't get a damned word out of his mouth. When silence took over, the kid hesitantly tucked his face against Larro's neck and sighed.

"He attacked me, I think." He whispered. "I made him mad and growled when he told me to get him something."

"How long had you been with him?" Larro asked calmly.

The boy hesitated, obviously trying to think.

"I don't know. He took me from my mom, and then I woke up on the floor. I don't know how long I was out, but he hurt me a few minutes after I awoke."

Larro gently picked him up and started heading toward the living room, looking around for where he had tossed his cell phone. When he couldn't find it, he growled at Tayn, who was still lazing on the sofa.

"Find my phone please, Tayn."

He was still in his hyena form and their noses were one of the best in the animal kingdom. Of course, Tayn was always overly dramatic when asked to do anything,and grumbled as he stretched, then flopped off the sofa to sniff around. It didn't take him long, and pretty soon Larro had his phone in his hand... plus some extra slobber.

"Thanks. Go get yourself a piece of meat from the fridge."

That got an excited laugh from the hyena as it bolted around the corner. With a chuckle, Larro flipped his phone open and glanced at the kid for a second.

"What's your name, kiddo?" He asked.

"Arron." He mumbled.

No last name?

"Okay, do you know your mom's phone number?"

Arron nodded and gave him the number.

"Alright, let's give her a call."

Larro dialed it, though the area code didn't sound family, and waited until a woman's voice came over the speaker.

"Hello, ma'am. I uh, believe I have your son?"

There was a loud gasp on the other side of the phone and Larro couldn't help but smile.

"Oh my gosh, where is he? I-I'll pay you a reward! Please, just let him come home!" She cried.

"Ma'am, calm down. He's okay, and I'll bring him home. I don't want any reward, but I need to talk to you, give me a second."

He brought Arron over to the sofa and carefully set him down, then nodded to Pask.

"Look after him for a minute, okay?"

The man nodded and tugged the boy against his side.

"He's a friend, Arron. Stay here for a few minutes while I speak with your mom, okay?"

He could tell that the kid was hesitant and scared, but he slowly nodded and forced himself to relax a bit.

Strong kid for all the things he's had to go through recently.

"I'll just be in the other room so call me if you need me."

He nodded again and Larro took his leave to his bedroom. Once the door was closed, he leaned against it with a sigh and lifted the phone to his ear.

"Sorry about that, I didn't want him listening in. He uh, was attacked by another cheetah. The man was on his microchip, so I'm guessing Marcus was his father but the other man on the chip...?"

"He was his mother."

"Wait, then Arron is a...?" He said, his words dying on his tongue.

"Yes. He is a cross shifter." She confirmed.

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