Chapter 23: Father Figure

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(Haven't gone through this one a whole lot, if there are mistakes kindly point them out in a non-aggressive manner. Thanks)

Is someone rubbing my belly?

Arron stretched himself out a little and sighed. When the attention stopped, he was close to passing out again, but when he heard someone speaking he realized that he was going to have to wake up.


"Arron, we need to go to the vet for a check up." Larro said as he poked his belly a couple times.


"No, you can't sleep longer. The appointment is in twenty minutes. Up and at em, kid."

Arron tried to bury himself further under the blankets, but they were quickly tossed aside.

"Oh come here, you."

I don't wanna go.

He was suddenly being lifted up into Larro's arms before being toted toward the front door.

"I already got some clothes packed for you in case you change back." He said.

That was good. He wasn't a fan of running around naked, especially if his pheromones began to get bad again. He believed that the collar would help, but there was only so much it could do if he ran around flaunting his stuff.

When Larro set him in the passenger's seat Arron quickly tapped on the window button, but it stopped lowering after only a few inches.

"That's not going any further down, it's dangerous." Larro said as he got himself buckled in.

Oh come on. Who locks the windows! Except for mom, and evidently this darn guy.

Arron turned on him and puffed up in anger, but the guy just smirked and patted his head.

"I could put you in the kitten seat-belt I got when I went to the store yesterday if it'll make you happier?" He said.

I will end you!

Arron flopped down on the seat with his paws hanging over the edge and looked away. Feeling another pat on his head, he quickly mewed his annoyance but didn't swat at him.

"You're so cute."

You're such a butt hole.

Arron silently fumed all the way to the vet.

"Alright, we're here." Larro said.

Arron stood up quickly and started messing with the latch to open the door when he was grabbed from behind and carried inside. This guy is getting some serious ground rules the next time my cheetah let's me shift.

As he was toted into the vet office, Arron noticed that the place was much bigger than the ones he was used to going to. There were several humans with domestic pets scattered about the room, and several shifters waiting in chairs. He was the only one in the room, that he could tell, who was a shifter and not in their human form.

Larro quickly got him signed in and then sat down, putting him in his lap. Arron was about to jump down and begin instigating the pets, but then something swung in front of his face and grabbed his attention.


He swatted at the thing repeatedly, nearly falling off of Larro's lap several times before he finally caught the blasted thing for a few seconds before it slipped through his claws, just to realize that Larro was simply trying to distract him.

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