Chapter 18: Birthday Date

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Coming downstairs, Arron couldn't help but stare. Erin was wearing a tuxedo. He wasn't sure if he was really gay or his hormones were just messing with him, but the guy cleaned up very well. Arron bit his tongue as he walked over to Jordan, Emma, his mother, and Erin.

"Uh, hey Erin. What's up?" He asked.

He smiled, though Arron could tell that he wanted to pull him into a hug. Good thing you have better self control than Rylan. Arron didn't need Jordan getting frustrated. Lions and elephants were never really on good terms.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight for your birthday?" Erin said.

Arron's stomach grumbled quietly at the thought, but he hesitated and looked toward his mother.

"It's alright, hun. As long as you're back before nine thirty." She said.

He quickly glanced at his watch and grinned. It was only seven. Erin was mirroring his smile when he looked back up.


Since that was figured out, Arron turned and hugged Jordan, Emma and his mother goodnight, then took Erin's hand and tugged him down the driveway.

"Which restaurant are you going too, boys?" His mother called from the doorway.

"West Pizza Co.!" Erin shouted back.

When they got to the sidewalk, Arron looked around, then frowned.

"Um, where is your car?" He asked.

"Don't worry, just hold this stuff for a second."

Erin tossed him a backpack he hadn't realized was on his back, along with his tuxedo, undershirt, and boxers to stuff inside. I'm not staring. When Erin shifted, Arron's mouth dropped open. The guy might have been a young elephant, but when he had finished changing he was easily eight feet tall and gorgeous.

Arron had only seen a couple elephants in his entire life and none of them held a candle to Erin's. When he turned toward him, Arron quickly zipped up the backpack and swung it over his shoulders.

He had figured that they'd be walking, but when Erin wrapped his trunk around his waist and easily lifted him up onto his back, Arron realized that he had planned the whole thing out.

"This is so cool!"

He gave a snort, which Arron assumed was likely a laugh in elephant speak. Either way, it made him chuckle as he pet the soft, short hair on his head. He could actually see over some of the smaller homes in the neighborhood and for once in his life, he felt grown up.

They were getting a lot of attention as they walked into town. The pizza place was on the outskirts so they didn't have to meander through too many crowds. As they got to the restaurant, Erin moved between it and the building next door.

Arron tried to slide down from his back, but it was way too high up. Erin's strong trunk came up after a moment and wrapped around his waist, helping him get his feet back on the ground.


Erin was back in his human form seconds later, again surprising Arron with how amazing his shift really was.

"While I don't mind you staring, I'm kind of starving." Erin teased.

He raised his eyebrows, but it took Arron a minute to realize that he wanted the backpack. Duh. He quickly took it off and handed it to him, then turned around. It wasn't very nice to watch people change and he'd already stared enough.

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