Chapter 17: Gifts

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Man, did he feel so much better than he had the day before. Arron was a bit sweaty from his fever breaking, but as he sat up, the room didn't spin and he didn't feel like a hot cloud was hanging over his head any longer. Rylan was nowhere to be seen, so he quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothing. He definitely needed a shower before he headed downstairs.

He could hear the TV going in the living room as he stepped into the bathroom and stripped off his boxers. The big football game was on, judging from what he could hear of it before he turned on the water.

After a good scrubbing, Arron shut off the water and got himself dried off, dressed, and brushed his teeth. He didn't bother messing with his hair, since it always stuck up in random directions anyways, and the half-mohawk didn't help that at all.

As he was heading downstairs, he had to pause.

"I can't wait to see him, it's been too long!"

Jordan's chuckle followed those words, but Arron was just focused on the first voice.


He knew that she had heard his thoughts through their link, because as he ran down the steps she met him at the bottom and swung him around in her arms.

"Mom, you're back!"

Arron couldn't help but purr excitedly while they hugged. Even when she put him back on his feet, he wouldn't let her go.

"I missed you too, Arron." She said with a chuckle.

After a long moment Arron finally released her and got a kiss on the forehead.

"Happy birthday, my sweet kitten."

He smiled and kissed her cheek before glancing around. The entire dining and living room areas were decked out in party stuff. There was even a stack of presents on the dinner table.

He hardly ever got more then one or two presents normally, and they were never anything worth more than a few dollars, but they had always meant the world to him.

His feet were just about to take him toward the table when he was promptly picked up and tossed over Rylan's shoulder.

"Hey!" He yelled, squirming to try and get down.

"Not so fast, kid. It's lunch time first, then cake."

"Lunch?" Arron asked.

Rylan turned his head to the side and raised a brow at him.

"Yeah. It's one P.M."

"What?" Arron said, confused.

"You slept half the day away, Spots." Rylan said with a slight grin.

"I did?"

"Yeah, anyways. I'm starving and they won't let me eat till you do."

Before Arron could reply, he was toted into the kitchen and couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen so much food in one place besides the school cafeteria, and most of that wasn't even edible.

His cheetah perked up at the sight and mewed through his lips, making Jordan laugh. He was standing by a big bowl of pasta that was surrounded by three different sauces you could put on your portion.

Everything flipped abruptly as he was set back down and nudged toward the stack of plates, forks, and napkins. Arron quickly grabbed one of each and made his way through the line, hugging Jordan before he dished out a big helping of pasta.

He added the alfredo sauce, then some chicken and bacon bits to the pasta. On the side he put mashed potatoes with gravy and butter, and a big piece of freshly baked bread.

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