Chapter 8: Teeth

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As he pulled on his shirt, Arron could feel more eyes on him and quickly looked toward the hallway.

"They didn't take Jared or Jamie?" He asked.

Rylan smirked and walked over to his little brothers, scooping one up before carrying him right over to Arron and handing him off.

What the heck are you doing? Arron thought, very much not interested in hold the lion shifter.

"Of course they took them, that's why they're right here." Rylan said sarcastically.

Smart ass.

"Boys! Dinner's ready!"

The kid in his arms started to squirm and growl to be put down, so Arron definitely didn't mind obliging the request.

"Careful, Jamie."

As the kid ran off, he realized that Rylan was glaring at him. What is your problem? They already established that Arron was a cheetah and Rylan didn't like him, so he didn't need to keep reminding him of the obvious. When Rylan finally spoke, Arron fidgeted at the normal, non-aggressive tone.

"You knew that was Jamie?"

Was he not supposed to be able to tell them apart? He was a sight predator... vision differences were extremely important to his animal species.

"Yeah. Um, he has an extra freckle under his right eye."

I can even see it in his lion form.

"You've only seen them one other time. You picked that out that one time before they pounced on you?" Rylan asked, his voice sounding disbelieving.

Arron gave a shrug and stepped back as Rylan took a step closer.

"Yeah, cheetahs rely on their sight the most."

Reminding him that he was a cheetah seemed to snap him out of question mode.


With a growl Rylan stepped past him and went into the kitchen. Arron didn't really want to, but he slowly followed, his stomach pulling him toward the delicious smells coming from the other room. Walking into the kitchen was quite an experience. Sure the room was huge and full of a restaurant's worth of fancy appliances, but what actually had him grinning a little were the two lion cubs rolling around on the tile floor while Tarren, still completely naked, got pot roast and salad dished out to plates waiting on the set table.

"Hey Rylan and Arron, can you get Jamie and Jared to the table please?"

He was still a bit afraid of the little lions still, but surely the cubs weren't too much to handle. With a deep breath, Arron walked over to Jamie and carefully scooped him up into his arms. At first he was crying to get down, but when Arron sat him down in his seat he instantly changed back to his human form to start stuffing his face.

That's almost cute.

"Oh yeah, Arron, the vet said not to eat dinner." Rylan said.


Arron's smile died instantly as he turned to look at Rylan's fake apologetic face.

"But I didn't hear him say that."

The loud rumble from his stomach mirrored his words. All he could remember the vet saying was to eat lunch before he came next time.

"You were out of it when we talked, then you fell asleep. He said not to eat anything tonight just in case."

Arron's stomach clenched as the information sunk in. He couldn't really argue, though he had a feeling that the vet didn't really say those things and Rylan was just upset that he had tried to go to the vet by himself. Either way, Arron had to do what he said.

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