Being casual

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"You do realize you're supposed to sneak around them?"

"That takes up waaay too much time."

"It's called stealth for a reason..."

"Yeah, yeah... maybe next time."

"Stop killing them! Seriously!"

"But... it's so much more fun that way," Roka pouted.

The Master threw an annoyed look at her. "You're totally ruining my score!" And with that he ripped the gamepad away from her.

"Fine, do it better." She raised her hands and threw an amused look back at him, while watching the character on the screen performing some fast and precise moves. Dancing around some guards and evading every trap around. He actually was really good at that. "Well... at least I'm better at Dark Souls." She peered up and saw him rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. That game is awful. No one can beat that!"

"I did." She giggled. "Twice."

"I hate you." His character slipped in front of a guard and got caught, which made him reload the last save.

"Pff... I could do it too this way. That's cheating."

"It's not!"

Right now they weren't traveling because the Master calculated... something he didn't explain to Roka. But whatever it was, it was supposed to use as much power from the TARDIS as possible and it seemed to take a while to finish.

Which meant they both got horribly bored, which in return planted the weird idea into the Master's head to find out how humans spend their free time usually. Roka though, being the nerd she was, also wasn't a real expert on that subject, so she had reverted to the two things she found most amusing. Playing outdated videogames and watching bad horror movies. It also was an utterly amusing thought to see him doing those things.

The TARDIS once more proved to be of perfect help and had provided them with a room that couldn't be more casual. It wasn't too big, comfily dim and had a really big, wide and deep sofa and an even bigger TV inside. And there was one of those machines that produced food from atoms. In her head Roka always called those things Star Trek machines. Because... well... in the end they were exactly that.

In short it meant they had an endless stash of popcorn and other unhealthy stuff at hand. Two empty bowls of crisps already piled next to where the Master was lying. Of course he had occupied the sofa and somehow managed to fill it out completely. Roka sat on the carpet below, hands folded behind her head.

"Ah, screw that!" He threw the gamepad away after he got detected once more. "What about those horror movies? And why do they have to be bad?"

Roka glanced up and giggled. "Because those are the most fun."

There was a small tablet with which the TV could be controlled and she looked through a vast library. Having access to movies from all time spans really didn't help deciding. The Master sat up and looked over her shoulder from above.

"That one looks fun." He pointed at one with an ugly face on its cover. The reviews said it was awful, so she started it with a grin.

It turned out that the Master had never watched many movies. And he was surprised that humans made ones that had the only purpose to be scary. Emphasizing that certainly none of them would ever be able to spook him. Not that those bad ones would be any scary, but it was fun to bet on how many cheap jump scares they could predict.

"Ugh! Why would anyone do that?" he exclaimed, when one of the protagonists went down into a cellar. Alone and without a light source of course.

A hand reached down and snatched some of the popcorn out of the bag Roka had on her lap. She looked up and he was still sitting upright above her, cross-legged and fixated on the screen. It was a kinda hilarious sight, considering who he was.

The Master's Game (Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now