Twenty Six.

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Twenty Six.

**This chapter contains sexual content.**

As I stand in the small room, waiting for Jake to come back I start to realize how dumb I must look. Can I think for myself? Why am I waiting for him to come back? He's been out of the basement for less than a day and he's already about to flip his lid.


"Jake!" I call out while bolting down the mahogany stairs. He doesn't seem to realize that how he acts can make or break us. I can't do this without him and I need him to understand that. He is my ticket to freedom. Even if he is a selfish jerk sometimes.

If I can find him and try to convince him to hold his anger in then he'll be able to keep staying up here. And if he stays up here then we can get out of here sooner. I continue pacing down them until I get to the first landing. My breathing is rugged and my heart pounds fervently. I need to slow down, especailly since I've been so weak lately.

Once I make it to the empty foyer I call out to him. I've only been in the living room, bathroom and kitchen. I haven't been in the dining room or his office before. It's locked.

"Jake!" I shout.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." I whisper jokingly.

I don't know why I'm joking with him. Hell, I should still be pissed at him. I mean he didn't try to stop Rich from raping me. He just allowed it to happen. But then again, he did tell Rich not to hurt me. At least he sounded honest when he told me that. Hmm, maybe Jake isn't that bad afterall. I mean there isn't much he could do being chained to the wall so he used his words to try and protect me. Yeah, that helped.  

I roll my eyes in annoyance. I don't know what to think anymore so I draw my attention back to finding him.

I make my way to the nearest room. It's the living room which looks better than how it did when I first got here. The walls are painted a silve gray with white borders. The old sofa and recliners have been replaced with new furniture. A deep blue sofa with deep blue chairs decorate the room. I notice the picture above the broken television. It's a picture of my mom and I. I don't know how he got it but it pisses me off. 

Storming out of the room, I remember why I never go into the living room anymore. The entire six months I've been upstairs have been spent with me staying in Rich's room. I was too depressed to even get out of bed. But now that I'm pregnant I feel like my life is worth living again. I have someone to live for; someone to fight for.

Wiping my teary eyes, I walk to the kitchen. I spent the next several minutes searching the half bathroom and small closet. I  was about to give up and head back upstairs untilI heard it. A loud crash awakens my senses and  forces my legs into motion.

"Jake!" My worried voice screeches while I run over to the office with the double glass doors.

This is my first time in here and it's surprisingly neat. Except for the overturned chairs and papers everywhere, everything else seems to be in place. There are a few Victorian paintings on the walls. They compliment the old, southeren theme of the room. Dark mahogany wood floors and desk, bookshelf with a thousand books and even a globe in the corner of the room. It's beside the window. Wait, there is a window in here and it's not boarded. 

"We're leaving before he gets here. But I need to find something first." He continues rummaging through the drawers of the oakwood desk. All of his attention is focused on finding what he is looking for.

"How did you get in here? This door has always been locked." I look around the now cluttered room. This is unbelievable.

"Look behind you."

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