Never Know How You Feel

365 19 9

3/5/2019 [4:11 pm]

I met a girl. I've been consumed. My heart is racing a million miles per minute and my vision is clouded. My stomach is knotted. I can't tell you what i'm thinking. I can't tell you—if i'm thinking. I want to tell you every little thing. I'm softened. Who am I now? I don't recognize myself. I'm never this- smiley and lost for words. Something about her draws me in like a whirlwind. My heart has been swept into a storm with no certain direction. I fell asleep with a smile carved into my normally sullen features. This is weird. I don't understand. I haven't felt this way in years. Sure i've liked someone before, but not like this. It was an immediate attraction. I remind myself over and over to breathe. It takes me so long to trust someone and really get used to everything about them. I don't feel like i'm enough because of everything i've been through yet she makes me feel completely worthy. I fell in love with written words and then I met the person behind them. I've laughed, cried, and sat in complete silence. One word sends me to another universe and into feelings i've not familiarized myself with. I want this. I want you. My heart needs to catch up.

RetrouvailleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora