Careful Creature

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3/7/2019 [7:29 pm]

"Anything for you angel," I proclaim weakly as yet again, you pierce my guts with your cold, emotionless stare. This action further tangles my insides, which've already been mangled and battered countless times by your up and down affection. I don't know if you're hurting me or if i'm hurting myself. Either way, it wouldn't matter because I crave you. Any interaction from her makes my heart skip a beat, even if she's being distant. Your name skimming my screen hours after I've seen you last makes me drop everything. I want you closer. I'm selfish. I want more. Your frigidness burns my skin. One minute you want me and in another instance it's the complete opposite. You're fucking with my brain. I'm discovering you. Please try to be patient with me, i'm still learning parts of you that you're slowly but surely letting out. I know you can't do this all on your own, but please don't think i'm not trying for you. Tell me your love is endless. Tell me this won't go away.

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