See Through

91 9 3

3/6/2019 [2:31 pm]

I know there's a lot of..competition for your heart. There's a lot of obstacles to your love. In order to reach the deepest parts of you, I have to be patient. I'm more than willing. We've both been hurt. You know just as much as I do what it feels like to be left behind. Every piece of me is willing to love away your pain, angel. It's not to say that you should erase or forget about everything you've been through, but i'd do anything to take that from you and put it all on myself. I've worried myself to death that you'll get bored. My heart knows it's right to wait and be sure of what you want. Girls like me are never longed for by girls like you. I'm the type your gaze averts from even if i'm the only one in the room. Yet here you are, wanting me. And I want you too, horribly. I yearn for your arms to wrap around me like a tourniquet until a breath can no longer fill my lungs. I want to drown in the words that spill from your lips and engulf  my skin in your flames. I want you to hurt me. You're not used to people being nice to you..or maybe you are but it's different with me. You deserve kindness, but i'd let you break my heart a million times and my step would never falter. I'd let you. You never give yourself credit for how amazing you are, let alone all that you deserve. I want to change your mind, angel. Please don't see through me. I'm right here.

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