Risky Business

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To say that Darcy was angry, was putting it politely as well as mildly.

Once Jane had told her of Doctor Strange's plans to banish Loki, she was in actual fact absolutely fucking furious.
So much so, that Jane had had to calm her down and physically restrain her from seeking the sorcerer out in order to knock his teeth down his throat.

The clever astrophysicist reasoned with her that it would not help Loki's case, especially considering that everyone knew her opinion on the matter would be biased.

Eventually she had calmed enough to allow Jane to take her home so that she could shower and put on a fresh change of clothes.
Well, clothes in general.

Once she'd completed her ablutions, Darcy shrugged-off all of Jane's attempts to persuade her to stay home and get some rest.
She needed to return to the tower, to be closer to Loki. To be on-hand should he need her, and to await the outcome of the meeting/debate that had still been raging on when she'd left.

It seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time, and awaiting the outcome became increasingly unbearable.

Jane dutifully kept her company, until she at last succumbed to weariness and fell asleep on the long couch in the Avengers lounge, just after 10:30pm

Slipping on her duffel coat, Darcy took the bunch of keys Jane had left on the table and made her way back downstairs and into the secure parking complex.
She desperately needed to be alone to decompress and process her thoughts. And there in the quiet stillness of Jane's car, she sat gripping onto the steering wheel until her knuckles showed white, as she cried her heart out.

Only once she was alone could she allow all of the pent-up fear and emotion to come spilling out, which it did like a river that had burst it's banks.
Now she was crying there was no stopping her. She cried and cried, mostly for Loki. But also for herself. She cried over the daunting prospect of losing the love of her life. The very real possibility of them being so cruelly torn apart just as they had found each other. Just as Loki was finally beginning to shed his old skin. To evolve and grow. To allow love into his heart.

She cried over the complete unfairness of it all.

What would become of him?
Would he ever be free? Would she ever see him again?
So many questions tumbled around inside her head as if they were on a spin-cycle. This couldn't happen. She couldn't let it happen. She had to fight for Loki. Fight for his rights. Fight for their love. And she immediately realised without any consideration that she'd be willing to do whatever it may take to help him win his freedom. Or at the very least, to avoid him being banished to a dimension that he'd highly likely never be able to return from.

There was no telling how long she'd sat in the car for, the seat cold and uncomfortable after her sitting immobile, feeling numb. The smell of the faux leather interior and pine air freshener had become almost sickening to her.
She was still contemplating where she went from there, trying to formulate some sort of plan, when Jane appeared hurrying across the parking lot at break-ankle speed, which prompted Darcy into hurriedly leaping out of the vehicle.

Fearing the absolute worst, her heart beat anxiously in her mouth as Jane reached her, gasping for breath.

"Darcy! There you are! I've been looking for you--"

"Oh god why? What's happened? Have they sentenced him? Is it bad, really bad? Oh shit, no! They're gonna send him away forever aren't they? Because that can't happen. Nope, nah ah. I won't let them do it!"

Shut Up And Kiss Me (Loki x Darcy)Where stories live. Discover now