short... story...?

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Staring at the girl sitting opposite her, Alex felt thirty different emotions. And now, more than ever before, Alex wished drunk texting had never been a thing.

Hair hastily pulled back into a messy bun, amber eyes glimmering with fear and sadness, the shadow of a scowl resting on her face, Reece was a sight. And not in a bad way, oh, no. She was beautiful. No matter what expression lay on her delicate face, Reece managed to look beautiful.

On a normal day, the two girls would be laughing in an obnoxiously loud voice at some joke one of the two had made. They would be rapidly conversing about a new movie they'd watched, or some book they shared an interest in, or even memes. But the two would always be speaking. Today, however, was not such a day.

Every time Alex noticed the girl's gaze on her, her breathing would hitch and she'd try to muster a smile, though it probably looked more like a half-upset, half-trying-to-make-you-feel-better face. She'd been trying to talk to the Reece, but got no response. Little did Alex know, Reece was dying to speak to her as well. What had happened over two nights? What had made the girls so upset. They were talking over text the night before and it felt fine. Alex didn't understand.

All she wanted to do was hug Reece, stroke her hair gently and tell her that everything would be fine. That they would get through any hardship they came across because that's what their friendship was like. They always did. They were stronger together, rather than apart. Spending more than a few hours without each other felt like an eternity. So what had changed so quickly.

Alex looked at Reece once more, hoping to gain a signal from the girl, waiting for her to speak, or even just give a half-hearted smirk that oh, so often showed up on her olive coloured skin. But there was nothing. Casting her eyes down to her book, Alex sighed. She had never wanted this to happen. She was hurting inside, but it was probably a different hurt from what Reece thought it was. All Alex wanted was her friend back. Nothing more, nothing less.

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