Maam,,,,could you stop,,,🅱️lease,,

22 13 10

My mum is so homophobic and transphobic, it's so awful and makes me feel really upset, and she insists that she can have a conversation without being those things but she literally,,,,, c a n t. So lik, yesterday I showed her a drawing I made of Scott and I thought she thought he was a girl and she said "no I know he's a boy, we can't have transvestites, now can we," and then she just... laughed. I visibly got kind of pissed off and she started making fun of me.

Then today, we went to the swimming pool and we were talking about riverdale, and how my cousins watch it, and she thought there wasn't any violence in it. I told her that in riverdale there's everything you could ever dream of, and by that, i meant sex, drugs, violence etc etc. but SHE took it a different way and started listing off various identities and I just looked at her and swam off.

I love my mum and all, but she's kind of an awful person sometimes????? The worst part is that she knows I'm uncomfortable with what her and my dad think of the community and yet she presses on anyway. It's really, really annoying. And kind of super jerkish of her.

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