chapter 13

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I was in my office reading files for upcoming events when my mind wandered off to sinfully hot guy who has been plaguing my mind ever since we met. Today Again I have a meeting with Hayden and that too in two hours.
Everytime there's a meeting, something happens. I will take it upon myself to make him finalise the designs for the decor today which are pending since 2-3 meetings. If we will able to select that, I am sure we will be able to do all other preparations within in the assigned timings..
Suddenly there was a knock on my office door. Erica came in with her ipad in her hand reminding me
"Elena you remember you have a meeting with Mr McCarthy in one and a half hour."
"Yeah I remember" i assured her.
"Great I just came to remind you" she said leaving my office.
I completed my pending work and checked my Rose gold wrist watch, noting its only an hour left for my meeting in McCarthy industries.
I picked up my bag containing samples and other files, phone, car keys and left the building for meeting. On reaching there
I parked my car and entered the tall building in front of me.
Once I reached the CEO's floor, I saw Delilah sitting at the corner table working on her laptop. I approached her with a warm smile and confirmed about my meeting.
"Sure mam, sir has just finished his meetings ten minutes ago. I am sure he will be expecting you. Do you want me to confirm with him and see you to the door or you will just go in??" She questioned
"No thanks , I guess I will take it from here. I will just show up as its already time" I said glancing at my watch.
I started moving towards his office and when I neared the office , snapping voices could be heard. One was Hayden's, other was unfamiliar one. I furrowed my eyebrows , its time for the meeting, should I go in or just go back?
No if I go back, he will be furious saying I am not professional or something, waiting will let him to think I was late but if get in, hell, then too , I will be facing cold hearted person.
Watch your tongue Hayden, I am your father" someone yelled
"Yes just father- a sperm donor, not dad" came Hayden's loud voice. It was the first time that I was listening to him losing his composed self.
"Hayden" he said in warning I guess?
"Don't Hayden me, I am not backing off, I will talk to her father , you won't lose your precious money, Now if you will excuse me , I have a meeting, you can go" he dismissed Him.
Uh oh now if i will be still standing here, they will think, I was purposely eavesdropping. So I did what I thought would be the best for me in that situation.
I opened the door to his office, at the same time, a person in mid forties, his father I guessed back from their conversation, was going to turn the door knob. He didn't even glance my way. Just left the office slamming the door loudly.
Now I was standing their inside the office by the door awkwardly. Hayden was pacing near the window in fury. He was showing some emotion, even if its anger.
I cleared my throat to get his attention. His eyes snapped up to me. I didn't know what was he thinking, but it was not looking good from his face. We kept looking into each other's eyes. He then again put on blank face as if realising that somebody else was present too.
No one will be able to tell that this person was fighting with his father some time ago. "Take a seat Ms. Kingsley" he said back to his usual cool self.
I got seated in front of him.
"Lets get this over with, show me your designs" he announced taking seat on his chair.
I was eyeing him again and again itching to ask what happened? If he was okay.. If he wanted he could show his anger, his vulnerability whatever he wanted..
"What?" he snapped feeling my eyes on him.
"Nothing" I said averting my eyes cursing myself in mind for not able to control my habit of intruding and making everything and everyone okay around myself.
I opened the company brochure and started explaining him designs. Ice red color for dramatic effects, cooler green for natural beauty, golden decor for bright and lively space. I explained him all , he was going through them. My eyes again found his face. He is a fine, nice specimen. Who will thought that The Hayden McCarthy will have problems, and thats why he doesn't shows his emotions.
I wanted to hug him and tell him everything will be alright. I frowned at my own thought. Elena for God's sake control yourself.
"Thats it" he suddenly slammed the file on the table and stood up. I got up too flinching at his action.
"What" I asked somewhat lowly.
"Exactly what, why are you watching me like this, lets face this, whatever you heard , you haven't listened or seen anything, you got it or otherwise.. you don't want to know otherwise.. I guess" he hissed glaring me.
I furrowed my brows what is he talking about? Here I was thinking of supporting him and I.. - I really don't know. I cleared my throat "Listen you can talk , I promise I won't say a word, you know I will be there for you if you want to share, its not good to bottle up your emotions" I said gaining confidence.
"I don't need your pity, don't poke your nose in my business" he snapped at me again.
"Really? its not pity believe me , I know when people pity you, you hate it, and I am just showing ... Showing kindness , humanly care as you can put it.." I explained with the motion of my hands.
" Oh Ms. Kingsley , I am not going to buy your kindness act, get that straight through your head, I very well know people of your type, now take this damn brochure because I don't like any colour combinations. How do people even hire you? My PA will inform you, if your services are required or not, you may leave" he said throwing the sample book in front of me ...
"Listen don't go on my profession, no need for any calls, I myself quit planning this stupid event with a stuck up like you" I picked up my file and turned quietly leaving his office.
As soon as I exited the building, my eyes started leaking, how can he insult me like this?.. Doesn't he know me??
I guess not much, but then again he has no right to speak to me like this. I will not listen anything at the cost of my self respect. Damn why am I even crying. Oh yes, because my anger pour out through my eyes.
Elena control yourself. You don't care for him . He can go to hell for all I care. Idiot. Stop it. I harshly wiped my tears and slipped into my car. I am never going to forgive him. How can he say this to me?.. And here I was caring if he was okay. No more thoughts about him. I need a soothing shower for a headache he has given me and made my way to my apartment....

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