Chapter 39

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The commotion around made her come out of thoughts and she realised they have reached the venue. David was walking her down the aisle. Her sister was maid of honour and some other friends from office including Erica were here bridesmaid. She had specially requested David to give her away to which he was happy to oblige
The cute little Noel was their flower girl who was so happy jumping here and there not fully understanding the meaning behind the celebrations.
She was so nervous, her hands were shaking.
Hayden was standing at the altar waiting for Elena. He had invited just his closed ones, important acquaintances and some were from Elena's side.
Delilah, Martha were also there. He had just once informed his mom about his wedding for formality and did not bother to check whether she came or not. Sean was there, he was his best man and Michael and Leo his groomsmen. They all were standing beside him in handsome tuxedos.
Hayden was wearing burgundy colour tux with neatly gelled hair donning dapper look. It was when music started going that everybody concentrated on the front door and there she was in beautiful white dress looking every bit of beauty epitomising elegance and class. She moved forward with so much poise. Hayden was just awestruck on seeing her in bride's look. People first time saw expression on Hayden other than cold looks.
Sean patted him to break his chain of thoughts and he immediately composed his expressions.
When she reached him, he offered his hand to which she gladly obliged and they stood facing each other. They were busy admiring each other. The priest cleared his throat and started reading some things from Bible and asked them for vows and rings exchange. They both spoke they have their own vows simultaneously. Elena was emotional that Hayden was going to say his own vows in front of others for her. He, on noticing her, whispered "don't get used to it, today's special and its only for today" with his famous subtle smirk. "Thank you" she whispered, eyes full of love.

"I have never thought of falling in love, but here I am and I am happy its you, its one of best feelings in the world. You are the only one who makes me smile wholeheartedly. I hope I can be the best husband and live upto your expectations. I promise to stand by and take care of you for your whole life. There is no opt out. You are stuck with me." Hayden read out his vows and Everybody laughed..
Now it was Elena's turn  " I have always believed in fairy tales and had been hopeless romantic, I hoped but never thought I would get such a good partner to spend my life. You are everything a girl would ever want, you care for me, love me and protect me at all times. I promise to be a good wife and stand by you whenever you need me and to not break your trust. Ah and I don't need an opt out. I am happy with my choice" she said smilingly...

The priest then recited :

"Do you Hayden McCarthy in faith, honesty and love, take Elena kingsley to be your wedded wife,
To share with you God's plan for our lives together united in Christ.
And with God's help, to strengthen and guide me I will be your supportive wife,
For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do you a part.
You give your all that you have yourself and your love.
All these things you pledge to thee in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
With this ring you seal your vow of love to you, and pray you may fulfill God's place in our home,
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
"I do" replied Hayden strongly and made her wear the wedding ring.

"Do you Elena Kingsley in faith, honesty and love, take Hayden McCarthy to be your wedded husband,
To share with you God's plan for our lives together united in Christ.
And with God's help, to strengthen and guide me I will be your supportive wife,
For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, in joys and in sorrows, until death do you a part.
You give your all that you have yourself and your love.
All these things you pledge to thee in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
With this ring you seal your vow of love to you, and pray you may fulfill God's place in our home,
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."
The priest repeated to Elena and she replied "I do" and made Hayden wear his ring smiling brightly.

Congratulations, now you are man and wife in the eyes of god, you may kiss each other. They spend a good minute looking at each other and Hayden took her lips in a passionate kiss.
"Hie wifey" he said, his eyes shining..

"Hie husband" she replied back shyly.

"Lets go to reception venue" added Hayden further...
"Hayden.." said Elena softly..
"Hmm" he said absentmindedly busy in escorting themselves out. "I love you, so so much" Elena told him with so much love making him stop and turn to her..
"I love you too baby" he said kissing her temple with small smiles on their faces.

Turning forward, he saw his mother standing there. He did not react, just started at her emotionless. Not having any reaction, his mother gave him a skeptical smile and said "Congratulations, I wish you both a happy married life. Don't repeat the mistakes your father and I did." Saying she patted his shoulder emotionally staring at him, absorbing his surreal happiness at having found a good 0artner to spend his life with, before masking it with cold expressions and left from there.
Taking in everything, he sighed, a little satisfied in his heart that his mother cared enough to show up on his wedding day but he dared not show it and gave Elena a small smile to assure her and left for reception venue.

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