chapter 15

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General POV:

It had been five days since she had seen Hayden. She felt bad sometimes for yelling at him but knowing it was his fault and she was a woman with a huge self respect, she was never going to talk to him first unless he apologizes.
Feeling sad that he started snapping at her without knowing her, criticizing her profession, she felt like crying sometimes, founding her behaviour weird herself when she knows she never cries for such small things , she let the thoughts slide thinking its because of her kindness, she was feeling bad of his behaviour. She felt nothing towards him. NADA... Nope.. Zilch.

It was like she was explaining all this to herself.. Exhaling a huge sigh, she entered her office, some works and arrangements were still pending regarding the birthday party she had to arrange for her neighbour's daughter and Noel's friend Jenna woods - Michael's daughter..
Atmost 4 days were left for the little girl's birthday to arrive and she wanted to do her best to give happiness to that family she owed in return to every time they take care of Noel without complaining...
She started preparations for it from ordering Jenna's favourite cake, informing the caterers to prepare some less spicy chinese food for children to informing her crew on how to do the fairy decorations to give it a feel of fairy world. She even took the pains of especially visiting the boutique to select princess dress for Jenna on her insistence.
As if on cue, she was there, she even bought a cute little fairy gown for Noel with silver sequins to surprise her. After all Her sister and her niece are the only family she has..
Hayden was working in his office . He had came to his office early today. Due to some important deal signing, he had to make sure contract papers were ready under his supervision but was feeling uneasy time to time due to certain brunette not leaving his mind. He was ignoring this uneasiness to avoid any further havoc in his mind and was trying hard to focus on other things going on in his life rather than thinking about some girl he had met a few times . He maintained his cold facade throughout the meeting as he had practiced since childhood. He knows, 'people are not interested in your sob stories , they are just curious'.
He was working during rest of the day. In the evening, when finally it was time to go, unable to contain his frustration he instead of going to his condominium just headed towards one of his clubs where his brother had texted him to come. When he reached the VIP lounge, Sean was already waiting waving for him to come over. He made his way to him and settle on one of the stools near the bar. Ordering their usuals, they started talking about business, more like Sean questioned and Hayden answered as shortly as possible. They were in deep conversation when a hand came to rest on Hayden's forearm, making him turn and look upward.
He saw a blonde woman stood there seductively..
"wanna dance?" She purred out.. He weighed his options, he was going to get married, although its nothing official yet, and he doesn't give a damn about Veronica but particularly because he doesn't like cheaters as well. Also there was a certain woman in his mind, who was not leaving his mind that he felt like his brain was going to explode. He was not a player. Surely he had a fair share of women, one nights stands but he was not emotionally attached to anyone. He had always made sure..they knew what are they getting into so that they didn't become too clingy.

For one he can't handle emotions when he himself has not experienced warmth, care, love , sadness or grief and the other thing being all of them were gold diggers who doesn't deserve attention for they were using him too pretty much..
"No" he replied removing her arm from him and diverted his attention back to Sean who was watching the scene unfolding in front of him.
"You are denying such a sexy woman, what is going on?? Hold on, don't tell me you have got a thing for Veronica" Sean said almost teasingly to his brother.
Sighing Hayden replied " Are you even listening to yourself, got a thing for Veronica? Do you really think it would happen in a million years. And I was not in the mood so thats why... " He shrugged his shoulders.
Sean firstly narrowed his eyes not believing him and then laughed saying " ok, if you say so.."
Hayden too didn't understand his behaviour himself, for sure it was not because of Veronica and the woman approaching was too sexy to pass the chance so he thinks he has lost his mind.
He slurred to himself in drowsy drunken state " I have surely lost my mind" and then texted Michael to take him home...

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