Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I will not rest until Destiny is gone. She didn't deserve Kay. She's a stupid bitch and I will destroy her. I have Kay right where I want her. I met her on the her first day in prison and we had sex that night. Although she was willing at first but after I made her and showed her how good I could make her feel she wanted more. I told her to stop responding to Destiny because I'm the only one for her. She listened and I got out years before she did but I had people on the inside watching Kay every move. Our wedding is coming up soon and I can't wait until she's my wife. I'm in love with her and I'll kill whoever tries to come in between us. Her older sister Cathy better mind her business before I hurt her. Destiny needs to die and I will make her life hell until she kills herself. We been planning my wedding for years now and it's been a couple of months now since Kay got out of prison and I need her to be my wife sooner than later.



I looked around before knocking on Cathy door. She opened it and I could tell she has been crying. I only came over because I was talking to her on the phone during my break and she didn't sound like herself. She stepped aside for me to come in and I noticed Kat and Teresa were here.
Kat: We know you hoes are seeing each other Cathy told us

Teresa: We don't really care but you two make a cute couple

Cathy: What brings you by

Destiny: You sounded sad so I came over

Kat: Isn't that sweet

Cathy: Will you bitches beat it

Destiny: Baby what's wrong

Cathy: Just the day my parents died, I'm fine

Destiny: Are you sure

Teresa: She's fine she's always emotionally on this day she's sad because we strolled down memory lane

Cathy glared at them then they didn't say anything else. They left and we sat down on her couch. I opened up my arms and just let her cry for a while. After a while of that she left and went into the next room to pull herself together. I just did some of my work from there and then she returned with wine.

Destiny: Ming says I drink too much so I'm cutting back

Cathy: This wasn't for you and I agree with her

Destiny: Whatever

Cathy: What are you working on

Destiny: Expanding my business in different locations, I will have another resort opened by next year which is not far away, and I also plan on opening up a restaurant in my name

Cathy: That's cool, I'm proud of you

Destiny: I also plan on taking the next step in our relationship



She opened up her purse and slid a key my way. She was asking me to move in and I just had to say yes. We been seeing each other a couple of months now and everything about it was feeling so right. We only had sex twice but our relationship was about more than sex. I just enjoy making her smile and I think it's time to come out to everyone else about my relationship with her.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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