Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Summer vacation was over and I enjoy the two weeks off. Now it was back to hunting people down. Destiny wasn't the happiest person right now. She sent Ming and her wife to get their belongings and they decided to put bed bugs and other bugs and rodents in the resort. They then spoke bad about it online and now she's getting bad reviews. She had to shut down for a while and her other employees are upset because she can't continue to pay them. I can see she's slipping into a depression and I'm going to do everything I can to keep her out of it. But today I was having a sister dinner with my family. We try to do this as often as possible just to remain close and be a family. Life's too short and we already have two dead sisters. We decided to meet up at this wing place and as usual I was late because of my job.

Kat: Look who finally decided to show their face

Cathy: Why do you always have something to say but be the most sensitive, don't make me hurt your feelings

Teresa: Easy you two

Kay: So how is everyone

Kat: Courtney found a lump on her breast, what if it's cancer? What if she dies?

Teresa: Don't be so dramatic it's probably a cyst or something

Cathy: Why you always thinking the worse

Kat: Have to be prepared for when life let's you down, how's wifey doing

Cathy: Terrible since she had to close down all her businesses, hopefully it's not permanent

Kat: Let me know if she wants me to go cut those bitches

Kay: Speaking of her businesses since I was out of work Peggy helped me get my security license, and I start my shift tomorrow as a security guard in the office building she works in

Teresa: I usually like everyone but I don't know what you see in that stuck up bitch, she thinks she better than us

Kay: She's actually really nice if you take the time to know her and if Cathy not bugging me about her than trust me she's okay

Kat and I sat and watched as they bricked for a bit then the waiter took our orders. After eating we departed ways and I headed home and saw Marcus and Destiny doing yoga. I then was greeted by a dog. He or she started to sniff me and then started jumping on me.

Cathy: This is a dog

Destiny: Yes honey I see you know your animals

Cathy: Don't play with me

Marcus: She's mine, my parents aren't back yet and so I brought her here because Destiny said it was okay

Cathy: It's fine

Marcus: Her name is Candy and she likes to play

I started to pet her and she was really enjoying herself. Marcus parents went on a cruise and it was on the news about the ship sinking and people jumping overboard and some people were left on the nearby island. There's still hundreds of people missing but it's unknown if they are dead or not.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

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