Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Cathy called out from work today because she felt like she needed a break. I was about to leave and I gave her a goodbye kiss. She was  about to pull away but I added tongue and my hands went to grab her ass. I never did that before but she brings out a different side of me. I finally pulled away from the intense kiss we were having with door wide open. Just as I was about to proceed to my car she pulled me towards her and I jumped on her and wrapped my legs around her body. I dropped my things to the ground and as things were getting intense we heard sirens. We fixed our selves up as officer told us he needed us at the station. After I was done there I dropped Cathy back home then headed to work. I went to the break room to make myself coffee and I noticed Ming and Jayjay making out. I told them cut it out and they stopped.

Jayjay: Your late today what were you up to

Ming: Did Cathy do what you want

Destiny: That and more, she felt like she was bad but I felt like she was great, we were about to go at it again this morning but the cops came and took us to the station and I saw Kay there talking to cop about Dasia and she went back to her stud self

Jayjay: What did the police want

Destiny: Turns out Dasia not my stalker they did find her diary she keeps in her laptop and she definitely wanted to hurt me but that night she did come to kill Cathy and rape her and Dasia wasn't the ones sending the emails or putting cameras in my house

Ming: So your stalker still out there

Destiny: Unfortunately

Ming: What if Katy isn't dead

Destiny: Bitch don't speak that shit into existence

We chatted a little longer and then we got to work. I was happy I finally got my new location up and running. I text Cathy about it and then I left Ming in charge so I could head to my new location. I noticed my windows were rolled down a little but I couldn't remember if I rolled them up or not so I just forgot about it. I drove to my new location and posted on my social media about it and I was really excited. Kat congratulated me and suggested we all celebrate tonight. I called my mom and told her the good news. As I was on the phone with her someone came up behind me and put something over my head. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket and I tried to get the sack off my head but Cathy taught me fake passing out in situations like this so I did. I was shoved into a trunk and I knew who was kidnapping me. When the car moved I turned off my sounds and I text everyone that I was in danger. We stopped a while later. I started screaming and Free slapped me hard. They took me to a roof and I realized this is where I killed their brother. Fiona had a knife and started jabbing it at me. I backed up and she ended up cutting my belly.

Destiny: I don't understand why you two have a problem, I thought we ended everything about nine years ago

Free: Doesn't change the fact our brother is dead cause of you

Fiona: Doesn't change we have HIV cause of you

Destiny: No one told you hoes to sleep with Katy to get back at me, you two having HIV isn't my fault

Free: It's not fair you have all this success and we don't and you left us behind like we didn't matter

Fiona: You should have fell off the roof not our brother

Fiona jammed the knife in my gut and twisted it around. I screamed in pain and after that Free pushed me off the edge. I thought I was about to die until my mom and Cathy caught me before I could hit the ground.

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

Who do you think is Destiny stalker?

A) Her ex Cassie

B) Her old friend Cassie

C) Fiona

D) Free

E) Her dad

F) Katy

G) Tasha

H) Other

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