Chapter 3:

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I wanted to know because we were good friends till the end of high school and then she kind of just disappeared. Her number got disconnected and I was worried. I miss her. Hannah had replied after I got home from the mall.


Do you have your yearbook? You could figure out her name from that. Maybe you could find her Facebook or Instagram from it. I replied.

I never bought those things but maybe one of my friends did. I'll ask around. Are you sure you don't want to come partying? She continued.

You know parties have never really been my thing. I have homework to do anyway. See you on Monday. I answer.

Fine, see you. She finished.

I completed some of my homework and I decided to go for a walk. I put on my coat, scarf and, gloves and stepped out into the cool autumn air. I walked down the city streets. Night was on the horizon.

I stop for a second when I hear labored breathing. I start walking in the direction of the sound until I come to an alley. I look into and see a figure cloaked by shadows.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I call.

The figure's head turned in my direction. It looked away down the alley before turning back in my direction.

"Get out of here," he called hoarsely but I recognized his voice.

"Jack?" I called.

"Michael, go away," he said through labored breathing.

"What's going on?" I asked taking a step in his direction, into the alley.

Where was Oliver? And why was Jack in an alley at sunset instead of at home?

"Michael, this is none of your business, leave!" he tried shouting but was still trying to catch his breath.

I ignored his plea and walked down the alley.

"Are you okay?" I asked again. "Where's Oliver?"

"He's fine, I didn't bring him with me," Jack answered.

"Hey, you!" a voice called. "This your boyfriend?"

"He has nothing do with this! Get lost, Michael," he tried again.

He was hunched over holding his stomach like he was in pain.

"Who's there?" I called placing a hand on Jack's shoulder protectively.

I didn't see the swing coming. It connected with my jaw and nose and I felt blood gush out. Great, that would be bleeding for a while with my hemophilia. I was not made for physical combat that was why I took a profession where it wouldn't be needed.

I pressed my sleeve to my nostrils hoping the pressure would help.

"Leave him alone, he has nothing to do with this. I only met him yesterday. Just leave us. I'll do it, okay? Just don't hurt him, please," I heard Jack start to beg.

He didn't strike as the type of person to beg for things. Why wasn't he fighting back? He had a better chance than I did of defending himself.

"Fine, but you better do it by next week, okay?" the voice replied.

"I will," Jack replied trying to get a look at my nose.

I knew it was going to be bruised purple tomorrow and bleeding for a good hour.

The voice became a shadow that retreated from the alley.

"God, Michael, I told you. Why didn't you listen?" he replies dragging me out into a street light to get a better look at my nose.

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