Chapter 14

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I wake up hours later, my ankle in a cast, blood transfusions, and clotting drugs going into me. My heart is being monitored.

"Michael?" I hear Jack whisper.

I turn my head over in his direction.

I see him and Jasper.

"Patrick said he'd come after his shift tonight," Jasper tells me.

"Where's Oliver? Is he okay?" I ask.

"He had a few scratches from you hiding in the trees other than that he was fine. He's sleeping at Hannah's apartment," he tells me.

"How bad is it?" I asked lifting my head to look at the cast.

"It was broken and the bone punctured a blood vessel so there was internal bleeding, but they say you're going to be okay," Jack informs me.

"Do my parents know what happened?" I asked.

"A nurse transferred the message to your mother and Patrick said he'd tell your dad," Jasper answers.

"Like he'll come," I mutter.

"If you almost dying doesn't make him want to see you or mend things I honestly don't think Patrick coming out and our wedding is going to do much," Jasper replies.

"He should be at home right now, maybe he hasn't got the call," Jasper just continues trying to give me hope.

Jack reaches up and takes my hand.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"Stop it," I reply quietly. "It's not your fault."

"Hannah called your professors, you're excused from classes for the next week," Jasper continues.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to ask the doctor to get you something easy to eat?" Jasper asks.

My stomach isn't nauseous anymore and I can feel the hunger boring a hole into me.

"Sure," I reply.

Jasper steps out to go find the doctor.

"You should go home and get some sleep," I tell Jack.

"I'm not leaving," he replies stubbornly.

"You'll have to get Oliver from Hannah's eventually, I'm excused from class, not her," I remind him.

"I brought a visitor," Jasper announces wheeling my mother in.

Jack backs off and let's go of my hand.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I should go get Oliver and get some sleep," he stands up and pats my arm before gathering his things.

"Jack," I call.

But he's gone.

My mother seems surprised by Jack's sudden departure.

"How are you doing?" she asks.

"They say I'll live," I reply still looking after Jack.

"If he comes back can you tell Jack I don't blame him," she starts honestly.

That was why he left, he thought my mother was mad. But I was warned, and I still took the job. If anything, this was my own fault for sticking around and falling for Jack. But I didn't regret any of it. I loved him and Oliver.

"I will, if he doesn't I'll go pay him a visit and tell him," I inform her.

She sits by my bedside and the doctor brings me some jello to eat.

"I think I'm going to try and get some sleep. The two of you should, too," I reply. "Jasper, I'll see you at seven with Patrick."

"Bye, Michael," they both bid.

Jasper wheels my mother out of the room.

I close my eyes and try to sleep despite the pain.

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