Chapter 6:

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"Hello?" I answer.

"Mike, I just want to talk to you. I need to tell you something please, can we just talk?" Patrick responds quickly.

"I'll be at my apartment by six, six-thirty," I reply. "You know I hate Mike."

"Right, I'm sorry. I'll be there," he answers sounding hopeful.

Jack pulls up then.

"Michael," Oliver calls excited.

I step away from the car worried he'll hear Oliver and ask me who I'm with.

"Hannah's going to be there," I inform Patrick.

"Your friend? The girl I met at your apartment who gave me your number? Why?" he continues.

"A witness in case anything happens," I reply.

"I was going to bring someone, I want you to meet them," he continues.

"Bring them, but if I end up in the hospital, I will press charges," I finish.

"I don't want to hurt you, Michael," he calls as I hang up.

I step back towards Jack's car and open the door.

"Was that Patrick?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer sighing.

"He got your number already?" Jack asks.

"Hannah gave it to him. He showed up at my apartment," I reply.

Jack starts driving back towards his house.

"Will you be staying for dinner?" Jack asks.

I look at the car's clock and think about how long it will take to get home. Forty-five minutes? I wanted to shower and change before Patrick and his guest arrived.

"No, sorry, maybe another time," I reply.

Jack looks disappointed but understanding.

We arrive and I throw all my belongings into my own car and start it up. I wave goodbye to Oliver from my car. Jack is at the car window.

"Are you watching him tomorrow night?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, I'll be here," I reply with a smile.

Jack kisses me on the lips again. I'm still slightly surprised when he does it but I return it this time.

"See you tomorrow, then," he bids before stepping back.

"See you," I reply doing a U-turn and driving out of Jack's yard.

I can see him watching me through the rear-view window.

When I get home, I feel exhausted. I peel my clothes off and throw them in the wash again and step into the shower. The world seems to melt away and for a little while, I feel at peace and forget about what is coming. I get out after half an hour and get dressed in new clothes and pour myself a cup of coffee. Hopefully, the caffeine will wear off before I need to go to sleep. I make myself something to eat.

My doorbell rings at 5:45 pm. It's Hannah, she's early. I let her in.

"Did he call?" she asks.

"He'll be here soon," I reply. "He wants me to meet someone."

Hannah pours her own cup of coffee and digs the sugar out of my cupboard and pours in a couple of tablespoons.

"He sounded relieved when I agreed to talk to him," I mention.

"I told you, he seemed concerned and upset when you weren't here yesterday," Hannah replies. "Maybe he realized your father's mistake."

I thought about that. But what could make him realize my father's view was wrong?

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