Chapter 5:

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I wake up five hours later. Well, I'm still dead tired, I know I probably won't be going back to sleep.

I get up and decide to wash my clothes since I have time. I go downstairs and turn on the washer which is in the corner of a pantry closet. Well, I wait I make myself a coffee in Jack's kitchen. Once I've consumed it, I know I won't be going back to bed. I switch my wet clothes to the dryer and pull up my text messages on my phone.

Know someone named Patrick? Hannah had texted me at 12:30 am.

My brother had probably gone to my place thinking I'd drive home and after a night of being out, Hannah wanted to know how my date had gone and she turned up at my place and found, Patrick.

Dad must have looked up my address for him or he did it himself. Could I have them arrested for illegally obtaining information without a warrant?

I hope Hannah was okay, I wonder what Patrick said to her.

What did he want? I answer.

I didn't expect nor did I get a response. Hannah was probably fast asleep right now.

I poured another cup of coffee and retrieved my clothes from the dryer.

I checked my email and despite being fully awake was surprised when Jack came downstairs half an hour later.

"There you are, how long have you been up for?" he asked.

I look at the clock.

"Two hours," I answer.

He notices my nicely cleaned clothes and coffee.

"I see you made yourself at home," he comments.

"I'm sorry, we just don't have time to go back to my apartment and I was thirsty—" I start.

"It's fine, Michael, I was kidding," he interrupts smiling. "I don't mind."

"Right," I reply.

"Do you normally have trouble sleeping?" he continues.

"I've always had issues with insomnia but it's gotten worse these last few years, I usually don't sleep more than five or six hours," I reply.

"Do you know why?" he continues.

I don't answer.

I have an idea of why, it probably has to do with my relations in my family and their reaction to the fact that I'm gay and the anxiety I had about them finding out growing up.

Jack seems to accept he won't be getting a straight answer.

"You should at least eat something, the coffee doesn't help either, you know," he continues.

"I'd be a zombie if I didn't have coffee, you don't want to meet zombie Michael," I joke.

He laughs taking down bowls for him, me, and Oliver.

He pours cereal into the bowls.

"Why don't you go wake Oliver up?" he replies.

"Sure," I reply.

I get up leaving my coffee and phone on the counter. I walk upstairs to the guest bedroom where Jack laid Oliver down to sleep.

"Hey, Oliver," I said quietly. "Oliver."

His head turns in my direction.

"Michael?" he mumbles.

"It's time to get up," I reply.

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