Chapter 4:

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What Jack told me left me with questions. If Jack hadn't seen his family in three years he wouldn't know why his sister disappeared after high school. Why would Henry turn on Jack, and come back to beat him up? Why would Jack's own parents deem him unfit to raise Oliver and what had made the courts deem him fit to keep Oliver?

There I was being curious again.

What was going on? Jack was rejected and turned on by his own family and boyfriend and his sister disappeared. My insomnia kicked in, I didn't have classes tomorrow, I set about looking for Jack's family's social media, my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up sifting through hundreds of family photos, none of which Jack himself were in or at least that I could see. His sister was very present along with a younger sister. A sister that would only be graduating from high school this year, too young to be the sister Hannah knew so it was the middle child that Hannah knew. I looked through the family's profile's friends, none of them were friends with or Jack or followed him but they did follow his boyfriend, Henry. On his page, I found a picture of Jack's sister, Henry and, Oliver.

I stopped then, I'd found what I was looking for, most likely. It wasn't that Jack wasn't present in any of his family's photos, it was that he was a different person back then. Henry had been in love with the Maines' daughter, their oldest and he was trans. He had come out after giving birth to Oliver. Henry had turned against Jack because he used to be his girlfriend and now he could not recognize the person he fell in love with in Jack.

I regretted looking into it. It was none of my business, I shouldn't have gotten involved. But Jack needed help, the whole world was against him, and he was trying to stay stable by himself but it was hard, especially when no one was helping to keep the world from crumbling.

After having sifted through and learning Jack's life story through photos and Facebook posts. I watched him disappear from the family photos three years ago and his sister become the subject of interest. It was like he was forgotten.

I went to his sister's page which was private, oddly. So, I sent her a friend request and messaged her.

I know your brother.

So, she wouldn't think I was some creep.

Did she know what had happened to Jack? She would have been starting high school three years ago.

She accepted my request and in her friend's list, I saw Jack's name.

How? She replied.

I babysit his son. I answer.

How are they? She asks.

I think he's lonely. I answer.

Did he tell you? She asks.

I found out myself. He told me part of the story and my curiosity got the better of me and I started looking at your family's social profilesIt's none of my business, I know. But I think he needs help. It's hard to be on your own. I answer.

I'd like to be there for him but I live with our parents and we live so far away. Maybe you can help him. He wouldn't have told you anything if he didn't trust you, and I'm guessing since you're talking to me you don't care what he used to be. She replies.

How do I cheer him up then? Also, Henry's bothering him. I continue.

Call the police on Henry. There's been a restraining order issued for him. If he's violating it the police will deal with him. We need to find something you can bring Oliver to. Like an amusement park. Jack used to love those. He likes candy apples, too. His birthday's next week, you could take him then. She finishes.

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