Chapter 11

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*Not edited

Sophia's Pov.

It was the next day. I got up, did my morning routine and the went down stairs for breakfast. I was gonna make tea and later asked Jacob, even though I didn't want to, if he has any medicine for a cold.

Yes, if you've guessed already.....I've got a cold and it's all those maid's fault! I can't believe he didn't even belive me when I told him, like.....bro Will I just walk myself outside and sit in a rain Strom? Does that makes sense? No! There had to be someone who put me put there...

Anyways as I entered the kitchen I saw Violet and a few maids gather around her, they were showering her with compliments.

"Madam you're so pretty!"

"Yes, you look like a model!"

"You should have been married to Master instead of that gold digger"

As they saw me coming there way, the all glare at me except Violet. She had a small smile on her lips. I didn't care what they say anyways. Walking toward the stove to make breakfast, I stretch my hand to take out a pan but was suddenly stopped by a maid.

What does she wants?...

"What?" I asked looking towards her.

"Madam is using here to cook. You have to wait" she said to me. I'm guessing she's call violet madam? Oh well..

"Like....there four parts on the stove so....can't I use one?" I asked looking at them like they're stupid. I was angry at them...okay? They were the one who put me outside in that rain storm.

"No, Madam using it" she responded and I just stare at her face as if I didn't hear what she just said.

"So....she's using "ALL" four parts?" I asked again and they nodded.


Turning to Violet, I asked. "Can I use one part to make breakfast?"

She shot me an apologetic look before saying "I'm sorry but I'm using it" like come on. You're really using all four parts of the stove to make breakfast? And did you know what she were making for breakfast?!! ONE fried egg and bacon!!!!! Does that need four parts of the stove to cook??? Hell no!!

But whatever...

Sighing I slowly nodded my head as if I now understand. "Oooo.....kay" I said and turned to the refrigerator.

Opening the door, one of the maid's voice was suddenly heard again"I'm sorry but madam is---"

Before she could have finished her sentence, I took out a box of orange juice and poured some in a glass. Lifting it to my mouth, I drank all of it while looking her in the eyes. I then put the cup in the sink and place the box of orange juice back where it belong.

I walked over to the cupboard and took out a box of cereals while she was still looking--more like glaring at me. Throwing some in a bowl, I add milk before taking a spoon and began eating right there.

After I was done, I placed the bowl and spoon in the sink before placing the box of cereals back where it belongs. "Don't forget to wash the dishes" I said before walking out of the kitchen.

Jacob's Pov

"Jacob!" I heard Voilet's voice as I entered the house. She smiled at me and run into my arms.

"Hey" I smile at her while hugging her back.

"How was your day?" She asked while burying her head in my chest.

"Exhausted. How about you? Did Sophia do you anything to you?" I asked as we pulled away and walked towards the staurs. I hope she didn't do anything to Voilet.

"Well.....yeah but it's not a big deal" she shrug and I looked at her confused.

"No tell me. Tell me what she did" I said and she looked down to the floor before sighing.

"She...she yell at me you" she cried and I hugged her.

"Shh! It's okay" I said and gentle tap her back.

I should have stayed home today. I knew she would have said something to Voilet. That gold digger!

"Let go upstairs" I said and took her upstairs.

"Go to your bedroom" I said to her and she slowly nodded before she left. I'm going to teach that gold digger a lesson.

Turning to my bedroom, I walked in side and my eyes immediately searched for Sophia. She was quitly sitting on the floor reading a book.

She suddenly looked up and all I saw was innocence in her eyes. She looked so pure, so innocent like if she didn't do anything that I almost believe that she didn't do anything. Almost. it's not real.

She was acting.

All of this was just an act

Pushing that thought away from my head, I storm up to her and dragged her up. "what's your problem?" She asked as if if she was clueless of what she had done.

"Stop acting dumb Sophia!" I shouted at her and she frown at me.

"What are you talking about?" She asked with a confused expression on her face.

She so good at lying...huh?

"What did you say to Voilet?" I asked and she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"I didn't say anything to her" she said while trying to get out of my grip.

It looked like she was telling the truth but I didn't want to believe.

She isn't like this

"Don't lie to me Sophia, I hate liars!" I said to her and a hint of fear flash over her face.

"I'm telling you the truth Jacob-"

"Don't ever call me by my name!" I cut her off and she flinched at my suddenly out burst.

"I'm telling you the truth....Mr. knight. I never said anything to Voilet" she said and I growl at her.

"Since you don't want to tell me the truth....I'll just have to out you on punishment" I said and she now had a scarred expression on her face.

"Tomorrow, you are to clean all the rooms upstairs and you're not to eat until you're done!" I said to her and she looked at me as if I was joking.

"Dare disobey me and I'll make sure you never eat again" I said and left.


Okay, another chapter is out.

that's all for now and don't forget to vote and comment.


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