Chapter 2

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A/N Hello wonderful and amazing people. Hopefully the first chapter wasn't so painful. Thank you for reading and enjoy

" You know I don't agree with anything that the government says right?" I told him once we were in the car and on our way to Queens

A lot of people were killed in the Lagos attack so the government wanted the Avengers to go by their rules. Tony agreed but Steve didn't which caused a huge disagreement. On top of that the Winter Solider killed the King of Wakanda and many more people so he has a lot of people after him. Steve helped him so the government is after him and some other Avengers as well. Tony didn't want me to get involved or know what was happening but I figured out pretty quickly and I agreed with Steve. Tony on the other hand didn't like my response ( A/N that description was terrible sorry)

" It doesn't matter what you agree or don't agree with. I made a promise to protect you and that's exactly what I'm going to do"

" So if I have a meltdown and my powers go out of control-"

He turned his head to look at me. Curious as to what I'm gonna say next

" And the government told you that you had to kill me would you do what they say or be like Cap and fight back against them?"

He stayed silent

" No comment huh" I could tell he was getting angry cause he knew I was right

" Bucky killed a lot of people"

" And it wasn't his fault. He was under a trance. We out of all people should understand what it's like to be someone's puppet. Do you not remember when I was a kid. When mom and dad died and I found out the truth and what happened after that"


I had just came back from training with Nat. I overheard Tony talking to someone about my parents death

" They did it to make her go insane. Basically control her and that's exactly what they did. She was 5 when it happened. When she was 10 she went missing for 3 weeks. We found out where she was on the news. She ended up killing 100 people in 2 hours. A 10 year old killing people. I found her in an alley crying. When she saw me her eyes turned black and she tried to kill me herself"

" How did you stop her?"

" I told her stories that only she and I would know about. Like when she was 6  we ended up sneaking into a movie she really wanted to see but I wanted to see a different one. I payed for the one she wanted to see and we went into the one I wanted to see. They were both kids movies but we couldn't agree on one movie so we saw both. Then when she was 7  she helped me create the first iron man suit. Yea a 7 year old helped out. I knew she was smart then and she still is now. She's more smarter than me but I'd never tell her that"  I saw him smile at the thought of us bonding together

" When I was telling her those stories I could see her eyes go back to their normal color and then she screamed. It was like she was fighting with herself. Figuring out what was right or wrong. She stopped screaming and fell but I was able to catch her before she fell to the ground. When she woke up she had no idea what happened. She said someone kidnapped her and started chanting something and she thought she blacked out". He looked up and saw I was standing there. I took off running to my room

" Y/N!"

End of Flashback

We arrived at an apartment building

" We'll talk about this later". He got out the car and I followed. We walked into the apartment building. I blanked out after a while but a young woman answered the door when Tony knocked. She let us in and once we sat down she and Tony talked for a while until a boy came in the apartment. He didn't know we were there. He was cute.

" Hey May" The boy said as he walked in while looking down. May put her cup down

" Mmm. Hey. How was school today?" She asked. Tony looked over at me and smirked when he saw me staring at the boy. I glared at him

" Okay. This crazy car parked outside...." he finally turned around and saw us. His eyes widened

" Oh. Mr. Parker" Tony said and I chuckled

" Um..." the boy says and he takes his earphones out of his ears

" What-What are you doing..? Hey! Uh, I'm - I'm - I'm Peter" Peter hmm cute. I thought

" Tony. That's Y/N" Tony pointed to me and Peter looked at me for a second. I smirked

" Hi" I said softly

" What are... What are you - What are you - What are you doing here?"

" It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?" Tony asked

" Yea. Yea." Peter said confused

" Right?" Tony asked 

" Regarding the...."

" You didn't tell me about the grant" May said to Peter

" About the grant" Peter said finishing his sentence

" The September Foundation" I said

" Right" Peter said to me

" Yea. Remember you applied?" Tony asked

" Yea"

" We approved" Tony said pointed to him and myself

" So now we're in business" He finished

" You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?" May asked

"Why, I just, I just... I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know... wh... Anyway, what did I apply for?" Peter said

" That's what we're here to hash out" Tony said

" Okay. Hash, hash out, okay" Peter said

" It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt" Tony said and I cringed

" Tony" I said in disgust. Peter laughed a little at my reaction and I smiled at him

" Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?" May said

" This walnut date loaf is exceptional" Tony said

"Let me just stop you there" Peter said and I had to stop myself from laughing

" Yeah?"

"Is this grant, like, got money involved or whatever? No?"


" Yeah?"

"It's pretty well funded"

" Wow" Peter said

"Look who you're talking to. Can I have 5 minutes with him?" Tony asked May

" We" I corrected him

" Right we" Tony corrected himself and I smiled

" Sure" May said and we got up and walked to Peter's room

A/N long chapter. Didn't expect that. Wow

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