Chapter 10

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*The Next Morning*

 I woke up to Tony walking into my room " I told you to keep an eye on him" he said

I shot up in my bed thinking something happened to Peter " Why? What's wrong? Is he okay?" I ask frantically

" As far as I know he is. Just get ready for school" he said then he left. I grabbed my phone and saw that the bank across from Delmar's was robbed and that Delmar's was destroyed. I immediately texted Peter

"I saw the news. Are you okay????"

Yes I'm fine. Ned knows

"What do you mean Ned knows?"

He found out I'm Spider-man


Don't yell at me Y/N. We're gonna walk to school

"Want me to meet at your apartment?"

If you want

"I'll be there in an hour"

Be careful lol

I roll my eyes

"Will do"

I hurry up and got ready for school. When I was walking out the door I hear someone call my name

" Yes Tony"

" I need you to come straight home after school. There's some stuff.... I need to talk to you about"

" Alright I'll be her-" I was cut off by someone walking up behind him

" What the hell" I say under my breath. Tony notices my change in behavior and turns around

" I said you can't see her right now" He says

" If we want to see our daughter we can" A man says. Well not just some man.... my 'father'

" Hi baby" My 'mother' says to me as she tries to walk up and hug me but I use a force field to push her away from me

" Why did you do that?" she asks

" Why did you leave me?" I fire back

" We didn't have a choice" August says and I glare at him

" You could have taken me with you but instead you think of yourselves and left me. I could have been killed but do you even care? No. Because you're a selfish prick. Don't expect me to be all happy go lucky just because my mommy and daddy came to use me for who knows what. I don't want to listen to anything you have say"

I look over at Tony " I'm going to school. I'll be here right after like you said" he nodded I started walking away

" You have a while before you have to be there. Hear us out Y/N" Sapphire said and I stopped walking. I turned around and I felt my eyes burn meaning they changed a different color

" Why should I? You caused so much pain and I had to deal with the fact that my parents were dead for what 12 years. I used to wish it was me that got shot that day. I always thought it as my fault that I couldn't "save" you. I had so much guilty built up it drove me insane. So stay the hell away from me it's the only thing you two are good at" I said and I turned back around

" If I ever see your faces again I'll kill you myself" And with that I walked out the door. I got in the car and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding

" You saw them didn't you" Happy commented

" Yea"

" How do you feel?"

I felt a tear run down my face onto my lap

" Hurt" I said as I choked on a sob

He gave me a sincere look through the rear view mirror


We pulled up to Peter's apartment " Hurry up before the kid comes out" happy says and I laugh at him

" I'll see you later" I said and he smiled

"Have a good day and don't let what happen bother you too much"

" Okay Hap" I said as I closed the door. He pulled off and as soon as he did Peter and Ned made their way outside

" Hey Y/N" Ned says when he sees me " Have you been crying?" he asks when he and Peter get close to me

I wipe my eyes " Y-Yea a little" I say as I look at Peter

" Everything okay?" he ask. I look around to see if anyone was around

" I'll tell you guys later. We should get going" I say and they both nod their heads. We started walking. Ned is on Peter's left and I'm on his right with him in the middle of us. It dawned on me that Peter didn't have his book bag

" Where's your bag Pete?" I ask and Ned laughs

" I lost it" was all he said and I shook my head laughing

My phone vibrated and I looked and saw it was Tony

 I'm sorry. They showed up after I woke you up. I get if you don't want to talk to them but I still wanna talk when you get home. Love you Y/N/N

" I understand Tony. I just didn't think they would show up after 12 years. I'm not mad. Just hurt. It's not your fault. Love you too"

"You got bit by a spider? Can it bite me? Well, it probably would've hurt, right? You know what? Whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me. Maybe. How much did it hurt?" I hear Ned say and I giggle

" The spider's dead, Ned." Peter says

" Y/N can't you bring it back with your magical powers?" Ned ask and I shake my head " Nope" I say as I chuckle. I stop when we get to Delmar's

"Whoa" Ned says as we all stop

" Oh my god" I say under my breath

" You were here?" Ned ask and I look up at Peter

" Yeah" he says

"You could've died" Ned says and I nod in agreement

All of a sudden Ned asks

Both me and Peter looked at Ned

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Both me and Peter looked at Ned. I started laughing while Peter said

" What? No"

I stopped laughing  cause he sounded so adorable

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