Chapter 5

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I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had in my life. I opened my eyes and closed them as soon as the light hits me. When I was okay I opened them back up I saw that I was in a type of holding cell. 

" Raft Prison" I said to myself

" You're an idiot, you know" I hear a voice say. I don't have to look up to see who it was

" You're mad" I say as I sigh

" I told you I understood why you didn't agree with me but I didn't expect you to put yourself in danger and help Cap. Now you're here the one place I didn't want you to be at." I finally looked up at him and saw hurt, disappointment, and anger written all on his face

" I didn't raise you to be a criminal Y/N!" 

That's when I snapped

" And you also raised me to stand up for what I believed in. I thought you out of all people would understand what I was coming from. Yea you say you do but in reality you think I'm insane for helping Cap and figuring out if the same person who put Bucky under the trance is the same person who did it to me when I was a kid" I was crying at this point. I saw his face soften

" I needed to know if he had connections with mom and dad's death. At the meeting in Vienna...King T'Chaka told me that he and my parents knew each other. My mom was raised there. I needed to know the truth. I still do. I'm tired of being lied to Tony!" 

" And what would have done if the doctor was linked to their death?" He asked

I looked up at him " I'd kill him in an instant" 

" Do you really think that would do anything? Huh? It wouldn't bring them back to you Y/N. They left for a reason and you can't change that-" He was cut off my Clint talking to him

" The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether your like it or not" 

What does he mean they left for a reason I thought to myself

" Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'll put you here. Come on" Tony said to Clint

" Tony what the hell do you mean they left for a reason?" I yelled at him

He looked over at me

" They're alive Y/N" he said softly and he walked pass my cell to talk to Sam

" What?" I said out loud

" No no no that can't be. I saw them die with my own eyes. Why would they fake their own death? Why wouldn't they take me with them?" I say out loud as my voice starts to break from me starting to cry

" Why would they leave me?" I say as I sob

Tony went to Sam's cell to get information on where Steve had went

" Just to let you know - " I heard him say as he went back to my cell. I look up at him with tears still in my eyes

" I don't care about what you did. I still love you but I need you to behave and not be rebellious until I can get you out of here. Understand?"

I nodded lightly " Yea Tony. I think I can do that....If you get me the information that I want" He looked around " I'll let Ross know. You're do need the truth" He said softly

I walked to the cell " I love you dad" I said in a whisper so he could hear me. His face soften as he realize that I called him dad. I only did that once

" I love you too Y/N/N" He said as he walked away

" You're really gonna listen to him.... " I hear Clint start to say

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