Chapter 21

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Trigger Warning: Suicide towards the end of the chapter. Nothing graphic but I wanted to put that out there

After I got got home I texted Michelle and asked if she was going to the dance and if she was did she want to get ready at my place. She was going and she said she would love to


Right now we are sitting on my bed putting our shoes on

"We should hurry up and leave" Michelle says and I nod 

" Yea we don't wanna be late" I say then all of a sudden my laptop beeps. Me and Michelle look at each other then I walk over to it

"It's the camera's. They just picked up something" I said 

"Picked up what?" she asks 

Lo and behold it shows an image of my parents. They're in New York

"Do you still wanna go?" Michelle asks me

"Hell yea" I say then I look at her "They're not going to ruin my fun" we both smile and head downstairs

There's no one down there when we are about to leave " Should we be concerned?" 

"No. What we should be concerned about is getting to the dance on time" I say to her and she laughs. We get in my Lamborghini and head to the dance 


We get to the dance on time and we end up running into Ned. We all talk for a while then I see Ned wave at someone. I look over and see he was waving a Peter. Michelle being Michelle gives him the finger. My smile fades away when I see the look on his face. Something's wrong

Indeed it is  A voice in my head says. It sounds like Sapphire 

"What the hell" I say out loud and Ned and Michelle look at me weird

Now you're going to do what we say or we will kill everyone you love  the voice says and this time I hear August 

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Ned asks me

Meet us outside

"I-I have to go" I say to them. "Stay here" I say and I made my way out the gymnasium

As soon as I walk out I take my heels off. When I do the doors open and I see Peter rush out the gym. We make eye contact and start running down the hall

"Should I ask?" I yell at him

He unties his tie and throws it behind us 

"Nope" he says as he lifts a row of lockers with one hand, picks up his homemade Spider-Man suit from under it. I stop to let him catch up

We continue running down the hall and it's two ways

"Be careful" I say

"Will do" he says then we part ways 


I make my way out the school and when I do I don't see anyone 

"Where are they?" I say out loud 

"Over here" 

I look to my left and there they are 

"I'm here now. Just eave my friends out this" 

"Then give us what we want"

"I'm not going to die just so you two can have some power that I don't even really know about"

"You still don't get it?" August questions me. He and Sapphire start to walk towards me but I back up some

"That piece of paper your brother gave you explained it to you"

" I don't even know what it meant. What are these kind of stones and why are they linked to me?"

All of a sudden Sapphire throws a knife at me. I dodge it but it cuts my arm and it's pretty deep. I groan in pain and start to run away from them. I hide and stand against a bus 

" You were born with these stones. They all are powerful in their own way but together they are incredible" Sapphire says as she and August try to look for me 

"And now that we know that their power is still in you...." August starts to say. His and Sapphire's voice getting closer to me. A sword goes through the bus and is very close to my head. I scream. Just then my parents are standing in front of me 

"We will gain their power and eliminate you" 

*Third Person*

Before August and Sapphire could do anything Y/N's eyes change color. One eye is blue and the other yellow 

 One eye is blue and the other yellow 

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She teleports to where August is standing and waves her hand over his face

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She teleports to where August is standing and waves her hand over his face. His eyes turn color and is under her control. Sapphire looks in horror. She backs up and soon runs away

"You won't do anything to me and I'm going to make sure of it. Now walk into the oncoming traffic" Y/N says to him and he makes his way to the street. She watches then as soon as a truck comes she turns her head. Focusing her attention on Sapphire who's running away from her

*Y/N's POV*

"One down. One to go" I say to myself. "But she can wait" I say as I went around the building to help Peter and I see him talking to Ned. I transform out of my dress into something more comfortable

" Ned, the guy with the wings is Liz's dad" Peter says to Ned as I jog over to them

" What?" Ned asks

"I know. I gotta tell Mr. Stark. Call Happy Hogan. He's Mr. Stark's head of security. And, uh, get a computer to track my phone for me" Peter says and he looks around and sees me standing there 

" Come on" He says as he grabs my hand

" Are you two gonna be okay?" Ned asks as Peter jumps onto a streetlight 

"Hurry, we gotta catch him before he leaves town" Peter says as be webs me and brings me to him. He holds me by my waist and we swing away

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