Chapter 2: when the pie was opened - Part 2

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I waited for the jeep to leave and turning to go in spotted Spencer's umbrella leaning against the wall. I picked it up, shook it out and bringing it inside dropped it in the pail with the other umbrellas. If it doesn't rain the next time I see Spencer he won't get his umbrella back.

I looked in on mom and dad. They were curled up on the couch necking like teenagers; main reason I told Spencer to let them be. Rainy weather made them like this. I stood in the doorway watching them. How their sexual passion could be so intense, yet they argue like hissy cats, is beyond me.

I tapped on the doorframe. Dad looked up.

"Spencer left, I'm going to bed. Can I trust you two to behave?"

"Of course, Kitt-" Dad got pulled down into a deep sensual sounding kiss.


I jogged up the stairs and fell onto my bed wondering if Spencer got home safe. My phone pinged and my heart fluttered out of my chest before I remembered that it couldn't be Spencer; I hadn't given him my number. Man, was I regretting it. I checked my phone.

                                                                       BFF#2 Eve - Grl Spn just called Abe
                        talkin a mile a min
                        whtd u do???!

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume Spencer got home safe. I smiled at Eve's text.

Me - I was a proper lady.

BFF#2 Eve - I knw u were, but
                    somthngs got him
                    keyed up.
Me - ...
         I did let him put his # in my                        phone?

BFF#2 Eve  - That could hav done it.
U plan to use it???

Me - IDK

BFF#2 Eve - Give it a try.


When did I fall asleep?

The house hummed softly around me, the sound of light rain falling. I pull my hoodie over my head and quietly snuck out to the rest room. I didn't flush, which is total cool, it's only pee and our toilet can be heard from two blocks away.

I tiptoed to my parents' room and eased the door open; I've been oiling our doors and windows since I was seven because I snuck out a lot. I haven't snuck out in months, though; I was due a night out.

Mom and dad, naked, were still asleep, their covers and pillows tossed haphazardly around the floor.

I left them to their crass nakedness and went down to find food. I toasted a bagel laddered it with cream cheese grabbed one of mom's Gatorade out the fridge and went back to bed. I laid across the bed and took a huge gulp of Gatorade, licked cream cheese off my fingers and searched for my phone under my pillows.

I had an unread message from last night.

BFF#2 Eve - Going to hang out at Abel's place, r u in?
Spencer is coming ;)

Me - Is invt still open?

Her reply came instantly.

BFF#2 Eve - But of course. Pick you up in 15-20.
At store with FH.
*future husband ;) ;)

Me - Lol, dibs on maid of honour.

BFF#2 Eve - Absolutely.
BTW Spencer passed out in car.

 Me - Awe <3 >_< pic stat

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