Chapter 8: Epilogue - and snipped off her nose - Part 4

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"Morning, everyone."

I was in a super good mood when I got to the Sunshine Bakery early Saturday morning.

The thundering of metal bowls hitting the ground made everyone jump and we all looked over at Spencer.

"What happened?" Mr. Meyers asked.

Spencer spun around; he'd flushed from head to toe.

"I tripped, I'm fine" he turned away quickly.

"Okay, I'm gonna go put my things upstairs." I left Jennifer to help Spencer pick up the things he'd dropped and made my way to the back of the bakery and upstairs to the Meyers's apartment. I tossed my things on Spencer's bed and went to the kitchen where half an apple turnover waited in the cat bowl for Gunter. I tossed it out and weighed out the amount of food he was supposed to get. I refilled his water bowl, too.

Washing my hands I noticed the smell of something burning. I left the faucet running and glanced quickly into the oven, the toaster and the microwave. Nothing. I turned off the sink and hands dripping dashed downstairs.

Sure enough the putrid odour of burnt sugar and flour filled up the bakery.

Spencer was hunched over his bench. I walked up behind him and looked over his shoulder. There was a black tarry mass in the pans on the bench.

"Ooooh, brownies?"

"Noooo, chocolate torte." Mr. Meyers said from his other side. He looked over at me. "You broke him, fix him. Now."

"I did not break him," I snapped, "my husband is not bro...Spence?"

He pushed away from the bench, "I need some fresh air."

"Everyone needs some fresh air after this." He tossed his balled up apron on the bench. "Spencer?"

I turned and looked at the burnt cakes. I took a quick snap with my phone.

"Why would you take a photo of that?" Jennifer asked. "It's horrible."

"I'm really not in the mood for you right now, clean up Spencer's work bench for when he comes back."

"He wants some space, you should leave him alone."

"Jen, the day I start taking relationship advice from you will never come, please, refrain from constantly interfering." She glared at me. I gestured to the space behind her, "the bench, please."

"This might work out in my favour," she said. "If he dumps you I'll have an opening."

I ignored her and went to look for Spencer. I had an idea where he might be.

I sat on the ground under the old tree and glanced up at Spencer sitting on the branch above me. I said nothing and waited. Not long, thankfully.

"I've never burnt anything in my life."

Seriously?" I asked.

"Ever." He dropped down beside me and sat crossed legged. "Did you save a pic of it?"

"Yes." I showed it to him.

"Wow... it's burnt all right." He returned my phone. "I'm okay you know –in case you're wondering. My mind wandered off for a bit and I set the temperature of the oven wrong. It won't happen again."

"I'm not so sure." He looked over at me. "What's got you so flustered?"

"Nothing... but you don't believe me, do you?"

"Don't get defensive, but yes. I don't believe you." He leant back against the tree. "Tell me what's bothering you."

"Nothing –" he snapped. He exhaled a huff. "It's not bothering me, I'm not flustered and I'm definitely not broken either."

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