Chapter 6: eating bread and honey - Part 1

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Bacon sizzled and popped in a pan of its own juices. I tapped an egg on the counter and opened it over the pan beside the bacon then added another. They hissed and the edges bubbled. I scooped out the bacon after a minute and put them on some paper towel, placed a lid on the pan so the sunny sides of the eggs could set. I fork split an English muffin before sliding it under the still lit broiler and buttered toast.

Mom came downstairs first. She sat at the island, her face set in neutrality making her look older than I knew she was. The deep creases of laughter lines are not pretty when left to hang limply.

I placed a plate of cottage cheese, fruit and an English muffin in front of her and she proceeded to lather the muffin with a thick coat of cottage cheese and fruit preserve.

Dad came in whistling a show tune and gave a chipper, "good morning my darlings."

He gave me a peck on the cheek before sitting down. He looked up at mom.

"Did you sleep well, Charisa?"

"I don't see how that is any of your business."

Dad shrugged nonchalant and turned to me.

"What's for breakfast, Kitten?" I placed a large platter before him laden with a sunny side-up egg, bacon, toast and avocado. I was trying to watch his cholesterol but didn't have the heart to force feed him bland oats every day; it'd be torture to me –I'd not let him diet alone.

I opted for healthier versions of foods, prepped in healthier ways. Mom usually ate healthier to begin with so I didn't need to change her meals any.


Dad finished first, cleared his place and kissed me on the cheek again before heading upstairs to finish dressing for work. He was out the door six minutes later.

"You two stay safe today."

"See you later, daddy."

"Don't call me darling," mom grumbled forking a strawberry into her mouth and chewing it like it offended her sensibilities. I sipped my orange juice.


"I've nothing to report," Abel's been making me do a progress report every day since I took dad's side in this battle of the parents. Mom's been bitter all of six days, sleeping in the guestroom and dripping sarcasm from her pores; nothing worth reporting on a daily basis.

It hurt dad that she'd retreated completely, but I lavished him with attention and love so he was less bothered by her behaviour now, but still bothered, and that wasn't worth repeating every day.


"I will say however, that Spencer needs to stop gifting me food. I'm gonna get fat."

"It won't bother me one bit, darling." I rolled my eyes in his direction.

"You plan to take responsibility of me when I'm two hundred plus pounds?" he wiped the corner of my mouth with his thumb and licked it.

"I will."

"Dibs on Maid of Honour," Abel shouted. I startled a bit and looked away from Spencer's caging blue eyes.


"Damn you," Eve snapped, "I wanna be Maid of Honour, it's my right as her BFF."

"You can have it next time."

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