Chapter 8: Epilogue - and snipped off her nose - Part 2

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Spencer was lying on the bed with his arm over his face when I came in.


"I'm awake," he said not moving his arm away. I crawled onto the bed and saddled him.

"What's on your mind?"

"Wondering what took you so long."

"There was a cinnamon roll in Gunter's bowl."

"Seriously?" his arm moved up. He looked up at me.

"Hello beautiful," he blushed and recovered his eyes. "Don't hide from me."

"We're running out of time, ya know."

I knew there was no point arguing with Spence about hiding his face. Whenever we fooled around like this he'd cover his face with his arm, hands or his shirt, if I let him keep it.

I ignored his arm and kissed his lips and chin. I trailed kisses along his chin to his ear and after nibbling the lobe sucked on it. I didn't have to wait long for his reaction; I felt his erection rise below me. I moved my hips against him slowly.

"Gem, stop."

"Hold me down then."

He did not move his arm, instead he moaned loudly and bit his lip to stop the sound. I trailed my fingers along his neck and chest, curling my fingers into the sprinkling of chest hair. Despite his fairness Spencer's nipples were dark and stood out stalk against the creamy colour of his chest. I lowered myself to his right nipple. I've touched them many times before, but this was the first time I've ever sucked one. Spencer's reaction was as surprising to me as my action had been to him. He grasped my head with both hands.

"God, Gemma -don't..." his voice trailed off into moans and I felt his fingers tighten in my hair. He whimpered like a child and sat up forcing me forward in his lap. I glimpsed his face briefly before he buried it in my neck; his blush was intense and his eyes shiny with tears.

"Spencer, are you okay?"

He took several deep rasping breaths before answering, "I'm fine."

He wrapped his arm around my waist and we stayed like that until I realized it had probably been more than 20 minutes.

"Spencer, we need to go back." He lifted his head from my shoulder.

"Yea, lemme use the bathroom real quick. Meet you downstairs."

He released me and I got up off the bed and slipped on my flats.

"I love you," I said. He didn't raise his head. "Spence?"

"I know... I love you, too." He still didn't look up. I waved it off and went back downstairs to my tiny cubicle to finish my homework.

The 16 lines I had written had a purple marker scribble going across it and chocolate smears all over the paper. I ripped the page from my folder and marched into the back of the Bakery. Spencer was just coming down stairs.

"Spencer," he looked up and quickly turned away. I stopped my march, "have you seen Jennifer? I have a bone to pick with her."

"She leaves early on Thursdays, and I told you to stop picking on her."

I held up the paper in my hand, but Spencer was doing his best to avoid looking at me. I crushed the paper in my fist and tossed it behind me. I turned on my heel.

"Clara, Clara." She answered from the front of the bakery near the register.

"What's up?"

"I'm leaving early today," I snapped. She glared at me and I stopped short. "Sorry. I'm leaving early today."

"Is everything okay?" she glanced behind me and I knew it was at Spencer.

"Everything's fine," I said, "just feeling... tired."

She nodded.

"That's okay, are we gonna be okay for tomorrow?"

"Yea, absolutely."

"Great, Spence will take you home."

"He's busy, I'll be fine."


I ignored the tug on my sleeve and went for my bag and books. I slung the bag over my shoulder and turning looked at Clara whispering to Spencer. I caught his eye and he immediately looked away. I left the Sunshine Bakery and marched angrily up the road to home. When I got into my room I picked up a pillow and placing it over my face screamed into it.


By the start of the next day I'd forgotten about Jennifer ruining my assignment and Spencer avoiding me. Okay, maybe not forgotten, but I wasn't as upset about it anymore.

I came downstairs early the morning after getting dressed and found Spencer in my kitchen making waffles for my mother. He smiled at me when I said good morning and I sat across from mom.

"Who's helping your dad with the morning rush?"

"Clara stayed the night." He placed a platter of blueberry waffles in front of me. "Syrup or cream?"

I glared at him, he smiled and lent in kissed me in front of mom.

"I know you prefer honey." He put the bottle in my hand and kissed me again. He turned to mom. "One more?"

"Oh, no, I'm stuffed." She slid off her stool. "I need to get going, remember I have dinner with Ray tonight. I might be home late...or not at all."

"Yea, we know you're not coming home." I cut a piece of my waffle and stuffed it in my mouth. "Just remember to use a condom."

She came around the counter and kissed my forehead, "I'm still taking my pill."


Spencer sat next to me after she'd left. I ignored him and ate my waffles.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I'm pretty certain I make really slutty expressions."

"I wouldn't know," I told him. "Also, I'm sure I would love your erotic expressions."

He laughed.

"I'm sorry."

"I've already forgiven you."

His smile slipped as the wheels in his head spun, "what did Jenny do?"

"She marked all over my assignment with a purple marker."

"Want me to talk to her?"

"No." I stuffed another bite into my mouth.

"Slow down, I have the truck and it's only 7."

"If we time it right we can do something before school." His eyes narrowed. "What?"

"I'm really tired, maybe later." I chewed slowly.

"You came yesterday." He blushed crimson. "I figured after your reaction."

"I'd hope you won't notice."

"Why? I'm actually pleased I was able to excite you that much." His blush deepened. "I want to do it again."

"No thanks," he stood and took my plate and reached across for mom's. "I can handle my own needs."

Anticipating my reply he glared around at me. I closed my mouth and watched him clean the dishes. He obviously doesn't trust me. I already knew that.

Here's part 2 of the last chapter of A Pocketful of Gems. I hope you enjoyed it.
Leave a comment telling me what you thought of my story.
Thank you for reading.

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