Chapter 5: to set before a king - Part 7

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Eve sat in back with me, with all nine shoe boxes on her lap, admiring the Jimmy Choo's Auntie Gale insisted she wear home cause they made her look like a supermodel. And did she ever. I'd already made a mental list of shoes I simply had to give her.

The ride home was quiet. I played over in my head everything Auntie Gale had said to me. Before we'd left she'd thank everyone for taking care of me and assured she was here for us if we ever needed her help again. Abel started us on the drive home, then switched with Spencer halfway.


Spencer dropped Eve and Abel off first at her house then driving below the speed limit dropped me off.

I climbed out of the SUV and paused, "Spencer, I'm sorry."

"I'd forgive you if I knew what you were sorry about."

"You're the one person who noticed me when I was distressed and helped me, you even love me, despite the fact that I'm selfish and constantly throwing my anger and hatred in your face."

"I was in your shoes at one point, I understand your hurt and confusion, and would never hold this against you. We're friends; I'll forgive you as many times as necessary."

"You're setting yourself up to be hurt by me."

He shook his head, "knowing that you love me makes it bearable."

I blushed remembering what I'd said to him earlier.


"I hate that I've hurt you, and I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, but from this point on I'll fix my own problems."

"You ain't getting rid of me that easy," he smiled. "You already admitted that you love me, I tried, for your sake to just be your friend and a shoulder to cry on when you needed one and not be selfish and try to make you love me back, but trying to be your friend is an impossible task and I ended up breaking my own heart, and yours, and I'm seriously sorry I did, I acted so selfishly. You caught me by surprise saying it out loud like that in front of everyone and I was flustered and gave a dumb reply and didn't actually say that I love you back, since kindergarten, and I'm sorry I made you step on my jizzy shorts and for telling you about it now."

He took a deep breath.

"Oh my God, I could have gotten pregnant!"

"That is not... how that works!"

His blush was electric. I crawled back into the car and grasping the back of his head pulled him into a kiss. He parted his lips and I deepened the kiss. He moaned and pulled away.

"Wait, wait, stop." He looked up at me, "you can't kiss me like that after I said all that stuff, God."

I tilted his head back and kissed his lips repeatedly, "then you shouldn't be so tempting and vulnerable around me. I'm not a very nice person, I may not hold back from doing something awful to you next time."

"I think I'd want you to." I stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. "So, I'll try and refrain from being both tempting and vulnerable around you."

I kissed him deeply and laughed when I pulled away.

"You couldn't if your life depended on it."

"Please go inside," I looked down at him, my eyes travelling down his face to his lips. He had it trapped between his teeth. I had to close my eyes and look away. He really couldn't refrain from being alluring and I couldn't refrain from taking advantage of him. I picked a spot just below his ear, hidden only slightly by his hair and kissed it softly once, twice and sucked the soft flesh into my mouth. The sound he made was like something mom made when she and dad fooled around on the couch. I pulled back licking the spot gently.

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