Twenty-Eight: Closure

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I have fallen apart completely and although I managed to convince Cameron to not press charges against my father, I have so many other issues to figure out still. I need to have the big conversation with my parents now that my lies have been brought to their attention. As much of a relief that it is to no longer have secrets weighing upon me, I dreaded the conversation that was about to come with my dad and I step inside.

The entire drive home I thought about possibilities and how I can approach the situation but as I pull into the driveway and see that my dad has already arrived, all of my thoughts leave which causes me to be at a loss for words.

I don't make it to the door when it swings open and my mom stands there furiously, "What have you done, Olivia?!"

"Mom, please just hear me out..." I attempt but it falls on deaf ears.

She shakes her head and laughs in disbelief, "Oh no, that isn't happening. You put your father in an impossible decision and he could have gotten fired because of your inappropriate behavior. When did you start pimping yourself out?"

"Oh my god, mom. I'm not pimping myself out!" I try to defend myself but it's obvious that my mom has already made her mind up about me. Regardless of the lies Cameron told me, he never made me do anything that I didn't want to. Yes, he was a master at getting me to fall for him but my feelings were genuine, and that's on me, "I'm sorry about what happened with dad... But I got Cameron to not press charges and in my defense dad knows that as a police officer he can't react like that while on duty."

"That boy taunted him and degraded you to do so."

"Maybe he did, but in any other situation dad would have been calm. He acted as a father before he acted as a police officer." I shake my head slowly, "That's not my fault, mom. I admire dad for putting his family before his career but you can't be mad at me for this. I've done what I can and got all charges dropped... I would never have let things go as far as they did if I had known."

"You may have been able to get the charges dropped but your father has been suspended for sixty days, Olivia," My mom's voice is stern and dripping with disappointment. She never has been good with hiding her true emotions but I don't think she wants to hide how disappointed she is with me right now, "He is so much older than you."

"Only seven years, mom."

"Seven years is a lot for someone your age!" He voice raises and she grips onto her perfectly curled hair, "We didn't raise you to be so reckless. I'll be honest, I really didn't like you with that Lucas boy but this Cameron seems like trouble and you should have known better. You're so smart, honey. Why did you allow him to manipulate you?"

It occurs to me that all of this arguing is taking place at the front door and my mom still have not let me in. She's being loud enough that I would not be surprised if neighbors could hear the arguing.

"Do you think I would have have allowed it if I knew what his intentions were from the beginning? Of course I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have allowed myself to grow feelings for him if I knew it was all fake, but I didn't. I had no idea that he was using me," I become frustrated that my mom acts like I had control over the whole thing. I was just as much in the dark as everyone else but because I fell for Cameron I'm considered to be a dumb little girl.

My mom looks me up and down, disapproval clear on her face as she folds her arms over her chest, "Is that why you added purple in your hair? To make yourself seem more adventurous for him?"

I definitely wasn't about to say yes even though Cameron is in fact the reason I dyed my hair tips purple. I can only imagine what my mom would say if she knew I allowed a boy to influence my look unknowingly.

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