Chapter Four- Drone T550

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"Push through Reconist! Push through!" The Privy Master that was screaming at me didn't seem winded at all. That more than his words bothered me. Not enough to make me run faster, but enough to get a glare.

"Push through what exactly? I am running, not moving a couch!" I said through gasps.

"You got jokes? Hey everyone! Future Master Guardian First Reconist Talaya Hatawti has jokes! What do jokes equal?"

"More laps," everyone replied in the same irritated tone. I am certain he used my full name and rank so that every single person knew who had just earned them another lap. It was zero-five-thirty. Once again, I had started the day with no coffee and a bunch of grumpy Privy Masters.

I picked up my pace to get away from the one that wouldn't leave me alone. My thin flexible shoes met the identical material on the course. They had a track here so we could all run as a group. It was supposed to raise morale. All it raised was my nausea. Half these damn people didn't take their deodorizing pills this morning and smelled like wet old socks.

My harasser was still on my tail. 'Santeeg,' was also one of my instructors. He was grumpier than most and seemed to really hate jokes. His uniform was disgusting, and his pale hair was too long. Dark circles puffed under his eyes. Maybe that's why he is so grumpy, he must need a shower and a nap. For some reason, a picture of him cuddled with a stuffed scherlot on an air bed popped into my mind. The thought made me laugh.

"No laughing Reconist! Come on, pick up the pace!" he yelled. My smirk stayed, but my legs kicked up faster and I left him behind.

Notawa was in the changing room waiting with water and a towel. Several others scowled when they saw her.

"They already posted your mile time, excellent job!" she said. I scooched by her to get to my locker. It scanned my face and opened with a beep.

"They hate me enough. Can't you, I don't know, let me get my own water?" I whispered.

"Mentors are meant to encourage and teach! I can't help it, this is my job," she said.

"Fine. Encourage with a digicomm from now on. I can hydrate alone." I slammed my locker door and walked past more whispers. The word 'spoiled' slipped into my ear. It was followed by another round of giggles. That was it. I snapped around to face them.

"Listen here, you little asshole. If I was truly spoiled, they would do whatever I wanted. And if they were doing whatever I wanted, your insignificant flat ass would be on the first drone back to the town of Northern Dickville where you came from."

"I'm not from Northern Dickville." The taller one sneered. I stepped closer, right into her face.

"Of course, you aren't. I made it up. It's a mythical place where all people who are dicks come from."

She shoved me away from her. Notawa jumped over.

"That's enough! Talaya, you are going to be late for your tour of the Airfield. Let's go!" The mention of the tour snapped me out of my anger, but she still had to push me away from the tall girl.

"She's not worth the hassle anyway." Notawa told me, glaring at the girl. We walked out of the changing area. I was holding my clean uniform in my clenched fist.

"Who was that anyway?" I asked.

"Su'jee. She tends to be on the rough side."

"Next time I am just going to punch her in the nose," I said.

"No, you will not. It would get you kicked out of the Space Academy."

"Like I really wanted to be here anyway." I mumbled.

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