Chapter Seven- Awkward Studying

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The rest of the crowd scattered back towards the building. I watched them leave, disappointed by their lack of enthusiasm. Notawa was waiting for me, but I wasn't ready to deal with her chipper attitude. Arwago didn't look like he had moved, since the race began. He was as buried in his calcumat as when I had left.

"Hey," I said to him. His head snapped up.


"Nothing just wondered if you even saw the race," I said. He chuckled but his head dipped back down to his calcumat.

"It was good. Leave it up to Tesser to come up with a way to win like that," he said. He adjusted something that was tucked under his arm; A large black book.

"Doing some studying?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Actually this is for you," he said. I couldn't tell if he was joking since he was still buried in his wrist. He swiped whatever was on his screen away and looked up. His bright white teeth flashed with a big smile.

"Give it back when you are done with it. OK?" He held it out to me. A very thick, very old book with a faded title.

"You serious?" I asked.

"Sure, why wouldn't I be? Congratulations on the race by the way," he said. The book was heavier than I thought it would be. As soon as I took it, he walked away.

Notawa's curiosity got the best of her.

"What did he want?" she asked, with a quick glance his direction.

"He gave me this book and said congratulations," I said. She took the book and opened it to the the first page. The title read, 'Journey from Earth.' I laughed. A history book, the perfect gift. Notawa didn't look amused. Her face went white for a second before she shut it and handed it back. My face scrunched at her but she had already turned away.

"He is so weird." She shook her head and took a deep breath in, "But, that was some great flying Talaya, really great." Notawa wore a sympathetic smile on her face. Her fake excitement didn't fool me. My shoulders slouched.

"I get the feeling they wanted me to lose," I said. Winning had made me feel like a pile of garbage. It must have showed on my face because Notawa changed her tone while we walked back towards my room.

"They will come around don't worry. Everything will look better after a good night's sleep."

"Yes, wouldn't want to be tired for all the glares from everyone tomorrow, now would I?" Her hand stopped me before I could walk through the door.

"I know people don't seem to expect much from you but keep doing what you are doing. It will get easier, I swear." She walked away, and I stepped into my room. The book of flight codes I had hit Kirtis with sat open on the floor. Fresh guilt hit me.

He wasn't going to quit, was he? If I thought people hated me now, just wait until he was gone because of me. It would be impossible to live that down.

I tossed the book onto my night stand and collapsed onto my air mattress. Thousands of small pipes pumped cold air to laser guided points on my body. It was what I imagined sleeping in the clouds would be like. My dad always joked that it was an old person's mattress. Thinking about my dad made me lonelier than before. Tomorrow would be an excellent time to call him. At least he didn't hate me.

"Good morning Talaya!" Notawa's voice shrieked into my ear four hours later. She went straight to my scherlot and gave him a piece of bread.

"No. I'm not getting up." I put the pillow over my head.

"Yes, come on. I brought a bare nutrient bar and... " Her singsongy voice got my attention. She didn't need to say what else she had brought. I smelled it all around me. I shot out of bed.

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