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Author's Note:

Hello everybody, I now it has been a super long time since I have updated this story. I sincerely apologise for leaving you all hanging in the wind. Unfortunately, my only reason is due to my final year in school. It was hectic and along with internship and major project at the local bird park, I was extremely busy.
Good news it that I have graduated and not doing much now a days. So after my long absence on this site, I went to read through my stories again to get a feel with what I have written. I do not know if any of you will agree with me but I do not find myself being very happy with what I have written so far. So, I went back to watch the movie and brainstorm a little more.
Bad news is that I won't be writing Raptor and I with this author's name anymore. Reason for that is because, someone has hacked into my email used to registed for this account so I am going to terminate this email account.
So for those, that are still interested in reading Raptor and I (rewritten), you can find it at my new account under the name ZincRae. I have already posted up the first chapter of the rewritten version. Please tell me what do you all think about the new version or do you all want me to re-upload the old story.
Once again, I am very sorry for leaving you all hanging.

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