Frank x reader (Allergies)

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(Frank's P.O.V.) 

I jolted awake from my beauty sleep to a horrendous sound. It almost sounded like... a short, muffled scream. I immediately noticed (Y/n) wasn't laying in the bed beside me. I started panicking. What if it was her screaming? What if someone broke in? What if she was hurt? 

I got out of bed, careful to not make a sound. I navigated my way out of the dark bedroom into the pitch-black hallway, then turned right to the lightless  living room. I noticed the kitchen light was on, and there was a shadow in the entrance. I quietly grabbed the nearest object I could find, which was (Y/n)'s coffee mug from earlier. I held it over my head, ready to attack anybody who dared to trespass. 

I stealthily made my way to the kitchen, peering around the corner. I saw a horrific figure with a mane of messy (h/c) hair leaning against the sink. I leaped into action and shrieked, "WHERE IS (Y/N)?!" The figure turned around and groggily muttered, "Frank, what the hell are you doing?" That "horrific figure" was actually (Y/n). Whoops. 

She lazily took the coffee mug from my hand and put it in the kitchen sink. "Babe, what are you doing up this late?" I asked. In response, she turned to me and made a weird face. Honestly, I was kinda scared. Until she shrieked and sneezed. "OOOOOHHHHH that's the sound I heard earlier!" I exclaimed, finally putting two and two together. She turned to face me with a look of anger and confusion, "What?"

I explained, "Well, earlier I thought I heard someone scream, but really it was just you sneezing!" I realized my mistake almost immediately. "I mean, um, not that your sneeze sounds like a scream, I, uh, just... was tired! Yeah, I was still half asleep!" I put on a convincing toothy smile. In return, she popped an allergy pill in her mouth, chased it down with some water, then drowsily dragged me back to bed. And I didn't complain.

MCR oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora