an interview with @Kelsea_Dove

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Hello and welcome to an interview with Kelsea_Dove

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Hello and welcome to an interview with Kelsea_Dove. What may I call you?

Kelsea's fine.

Okay, Kelsea! Let's begin. What got you interested in writing superhero fiction?

In all honesty, I'm not sure. My Marvel/DC obsession began after I started writing, but I guess I've always loved superheroes. Now I'm collecting Funko Pocket Pops! So far I have Wonder Woman, Batman, and Captain America. On the lookout for a Doctor Strange.

Interesting. Who's your favorite superhero?

Difficult question, difficult question. There are so many to choose from. Right now, if I had to narrow it down to two, I'd say Captain America and Wonder Woman.

Good choices. Let's talk about your book, Sudden Superhero. What was the inspiration behind it?

WELL. The real reason I started that book was because I was in the middle of writing a third-person book and desperately wanted to write one in first-person with a funny, quirky character, and since I was already writing the superhero genre, I thought, why not?

Relatable (wink wink). What is it about?

It's about a teenage boy who accidentally gets superpowers (clichés. Gotta love 'em) and how he balances his newfound superhero life with his normal life.

Sounds cool! So, Kelsea, do you have any plans for the future? Any upcoming writings or things in your life that you'd like to share?

I'm currently working on the sequel to Sudden Superhero and the sequel to another book, and I have a new book coming out in July that I'm super excited for. As for me, I recently graduated high school and am headed off for college in two months.

Well, I wish you the best of luck in college and with your writing! Is there anything you'd like to say to the fabulous supporters of Project Super?

Thank you so much for nominating me, and have an absolutely wonderful summer! Happy writing!

Thank you for being a wonderful interviewee! Supers, make sure you check out Kelsea_Dove, and as always, stay super.

Thank you for being a wonderful interviewee! Supers, make sure you check out Kelsea_Dove, and as always, stay super

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