an interview with @Vapid_Ink

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Hello, and welcome to an interview with the amazing  Vapid_Ink

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Hello, and welcome to an interview with the amazing Vapid_Ink. What may I call you?

Hello, thank you for having me! You can call me Kari.

Well hello, Kari! Let's begin: what got you interested in superhero fiction, or superheroes in general?

I've been reading superhero books since I was little, so I guess it's just something I've always been interested in. The way the visuals enhanced the stories and the different types of stories that could be told drew me in. I wanted to explore the different tropes and themes that are used in comics. I also always loved the way comics always reflect the times they are written in. Honestly, I just love comics!

A fellow comics fan, I see :) Do you have a favorite superhero or supervillain that comes to mind?

My favorite comics are Batman comics, and I really love Red Hood and Red Robin.

Let's talk about your book, Vigilante. What is it about?

So, it's about Eli, a college student who really just wants to live a normal life and maybe not be broke anymore. Unfortunately for him, he gets saved by the local Vigilante, who happens to have a crush on Eli. They get into some shenanigans, Eli complains about Vigilante always showing up at his apartment, and Vigilante inadvertently gets Eli into trouble.

The idea was to write something where I could mess with common superhero tropes and cliches. It's really just a romantic comedy with a vigilante, but I thought it would be fun to write it from a point of view that wasn't the hero's. So, I went with the love interest and accidentally made him super snarky. I guess it's understandable since he has to deal with masked men breaking into his house so often, haha!

Masked men breaking into his house? Then the snark is totally valid! Is it a standalone book, or do you have a sequel in the works, or even short stories to add?

Eli would agree, haha! Well, I've been working on a sequel for a while, but I kept scrapping all the drafts because I didn't think it would stand up to the original. So I took my time to really think about how I want the story to continue and I feel good about the current draft. With any luck, I'll have it up later this year. In the meantime, I also have a Vigilante: Prompt Fills book where I take prompts for readers and write one shots.

What does the future hold for you? Do you have any works in the planning you'd like to share with us?

Well, I'm always working on multiple stories so I do have some other stories planned. There's a dystopian story with superheroes I've been planning. It's kind of like Logan meets The Walking Dead, but without zombies, haha.

There's also a werewolf story I'm still doing research for. I want to use classic werewolf lore instead of the Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics that are more common on the site so I've been finding out all sorts of fun stuff about werewolves.

Other than that, I'm hoping to finish Frame Break and Tales From a Teenage Henchman.

And that just about wraps up the interview! Thank you for your time, Kari, it was an absolute pleasure, and I wish you the best of luck in your writing!

Thank you for interviewing me and asking such great questions! I've always been a fan of Project Super, so thus was fun!

Alright supers, be sure to check out Kari's works at Vapid_Ink. As always, stay super x

 As always, stay super x

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