an interview with @not-the-mermaid

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Hello and welcome to a wonderful interview with  not-the-mermaid

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Hello and welcome to a wonderful interview with not-the-mermaid. What may I call you?

You may call me Airiel!

Alright, Airiel! What got you interested in superheroes?

Marvel movies. That's really all it is, haha. Probably Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. anything Spider-Man related. I liked the clash between a relatable teenager and a superhero, like Danny Phantom. I just loved the dynamic.

Also, The Flash. Well, the first two seasons anyway!

Danny Phantom brings back so many childhood memories! Let's talk about your WIP, Villainous. What's it about?

Well, a girl has to be the good guy and the bad guy. Thanks to a curse, at night she has a villainous alter-ego, who she realizes the least of her problems.

Interesting! Was there any inspiration behind this book, any specific moment that spurred you to create this story?

Hmm, I don't know. A lot of the time when I write a story, it's about a simple concept but with a twist. This was one of those times.

The greatest stories can stem from the simplest of ideas :) Who would you say is your favorite superhero?

Spider-man. Definitely Spider-man. Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Captain America is a close second, though.

Excellent choices :) Do you have a preference between Marvel and DC? Are there any other super-universes you're interested in--like books or shows and stuff?

Hmmm, I think used to think I preferred Marvel movies and DC's comics and TV shows. But DC's TV shows, other than Titans, have been regressing and their movies have been getting better. TL;DR: I'm not sure but I love Marvel movies! I think Dark Horse Comics are pretty cool too.

Dark Horse Comics--never heard of it, but I'll be sure to check it out! Are there any upcoming projects you'd like to mention, or anything else going on with you that you'd like to share?

Hmm, well, there's Girl Wonder, The Pros and Cons of Superpowers, and Galaxy Girl and...I think that's it! :)

Those titles sound amazing! I've enjoyed speaking with you, and thank you so much for being a wonderful interviewee!

Thank you and no problem! This is my first interview so, also, thanks to y'all for the opportunity and the people who nominated me! I really appreciate it!

Alright supers, be sure to head over to not-the-mermaid's profile and check out her works. Stay super, and see you in 2020!

 Stay super, and see you in 2020!

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