an interview with @ProjectVN

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Hello, and welcome to an interview with ProjectVN

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Hello, and welcome to an interview with ProjectVN.  What may I call you?

Olu. (It's a shortened version of a long African name that no one can pronounce, lol)

Olu it is! Let's begin: what got you interested in superheroes?

Ever since that first Iron man film from Marvel, I loved superheroes! The flashy action sequences attracted me to the genre at first. I was a kid that loved to see one guy punch another guy in the face but as I got older, I appreciated the characters and story. The motivations behind a superhero, in particular, really intrigued me. Why bother putting on the suit? The average person would simply show-off or use it for their own benefit but a superhero for some reason will put their life on the line to save others. That's crazy noble and I think people overlook that aspect.

Like seriously, they don't even get paid! lmao

So it's the selfless altruism that pulled you in--that's very intriguing. Were these ideas and questions the inspiration behind your book, Psycho? And can you give us a quick summary of your novel?

The question of what is the driving force of a superhero was definitely something I thought about a lot when writing Psycho. His motivations are quite abnormal, I would say.

Psycho is about a teenager who becomes victim to a super-powered schizophrenia, causing him to hear a voice that doesn't exist. After accidentally brutally murdering his parents from a seizure, he decides to fight gang crime.

That's a very interesting summary, and it sounds like fun having to work with his heroic aspects as well as the danger he presents because of his super power. I heard that you're actually working on a whole series of super books, called Valiant Novels. Can you tell me about it?

Sure! Valiant Novels, known as VN for short, is a series of superhero novels set within the same universe. The first three books will focus on a unique superheroes origin story and the finale will include all three superheroes.

Hopefully, VN will act as a brand for all future creative works set within the VN universe, hence the logo!

It is a fantastic logo! Who is your favorite superhero?

Ahhhh, good question. Right now I would say Batman. Sometimes it's Daredevil lol. I could fanboy about why I like Batman for a while so I will just say his roster of villains are legendary and villains really do define the hero.

Interesting. I know there aren't many details on it yet, but any thoughts on the upcoming Batman movie?

There's an upcoming Batman movie? Just checked now. Holy MOLY! You know, I think I might have heard about it somewhere but I forgot. I hope it will be good. It's gonna be hard to compete with Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy but we'll see what happens.

I love Nolan's TDK trilogy, it's fantastic! Do you have a preference between Marvel and DC, and are there any other comic/hero universes you're into?

Hehe, this is silly but I haven't started reading comics yet but I plan to. I started reading manga recently so comics are next up. The Marvel cinematic universe is incredible, and I think I prefer Marvel over DC, mainly because they have so many iconic, well-known superheroes. The list is endless.

That makes sense. Aside from Valiant Novels, is there anything else you're working on that you'd like to share with us?

Yeah, sure. In the summer, I'll be releasing the second book in the series most likely. I'll also be working on some short stories set within the VN universe after that.

Sounds great! It has been a pleasure speaking with you, and thank you so much for being a wonderful interviewee!

Thanks to you as well :)

Alright, be sure to head over to ProjectVN's profile and check out his story Psycho, and as always, stay super x

Alright, be sure to head over to ProjectVN's profile and check out his story Psycho, and as always, stay super x

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