an interview with @darkestnightskies

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Hello and welcome to an interview with the wonderful  darkestnightskies

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Hello and welcome to an interview with the wonderful darkestnightskies. What should I call you?

Bella is fine.

Okay, Bella! Let's get started: what got you interested in superheroes?

Well, I think it first started out with me watching a crossover event between Supergirl and The Flash. I came up with an idea for a story and started to write but after a while I just scrapped it. I had no intention of picking it up again. That was three years ago. Gotham recently inspired me to pick my abandoned WIP up and start writing The Best Intentions. I had to change almost everything about my old WIP because it didn't make sense and was pretty terrible in general. I wrote a little over forty rough drafts for it before I finally knew where I wanted the story to go.

There were a lot of other factors, though. I watched things like Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, most of the Marvel movies. There were some books on Wattpad that inspired me too.

Movies, shows, and books are great sources of inspiration, truly. Let's talk about your book, The Best Intentions. What is it about?

The Best Intentions takes place in a city called Iron Beach. Due to a chemical spill, some of the civilians developed superpowers. Sabrina Flynn, the main character, comes back to Iron Beach after living at her aunt's for a year. She's unsure if she wants to become a hero at first, but Sabrina decides to become a vigilante known as Blue Blur to test out the waters. She quickly makes up her mind and decides to become a hero when her partner, Coldfront, kills a few men in an alleyway. Blue Blur joins a hero organization called Night, where she learns about a woman running a gang named Natalia Mendoza. Night decides to go after Natalia and Sabrina is forced to rethink her morals. If Sabrina wants to stop Natalia, she might just have to become a villain.

Wow, that's a very intriguing summary! What was the source of inspiration, or the a-ha moment behind this story?

Thank you! Honestly, I'm not sure what my source of inspiration was. My friends Liz, CorvusPitch, and AureilliaSkyland all helped me get motivated to finish writing the story. I guess I drew up a little inspiration from Gotham villain-wise with Natalia Mendoza and I have to credit The Flash since two of my characters are speedsters.

Speaking of friends, I hear you're co-authoring a book with some friends, called The Infinity League. What is that about, and how does it feel collaborating with other authors?

I am! I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say, but everybody can go read the first chapter on our profile TheInfinityLeague. We're still working on plotting it out, I'm grateful to be working with CorvusPitch and AureilliaSkyland. It's nice to have different, unique writing styles come together to represent different character POVs. It does have its difficulties at times but I'm happy I decided to do this with them.

That sounds like a lot of fun! I'll be sure to check it out :) Who would you say is your favorite superhero?

Oh, that's a hard one considering there's so many. I feel like it might be Batman if we're just talking about Marvel/DC. Then again, maybe I'm biased because Batman was the first superhero I heard about as a kid. Black Panther and Wonder Woman would be my next choices.

Are you excited for Wonder Woman 1984?

Yessssss, I can't wait to see it!

Me neither! Now, what are your plans for the future? Any upcoming projects you'd like to share?

I released two new projects not too long ago, actually. Fade, which is completed, and How To Ruin A City. While I'm working on HTRAC, I'm also working on the sequel for The Best Intentions. My hope is by the time I finish How To Ruin A City, The Worst Intentions (the sequel to TBI) will be ready for publishing. Other than that, I have new project with two of my friends called The Between.

Well, Bella, I wish you the absolute best of luck in your writing! Thank you so much for being a wonderful interviewee!

Thanks for interviewing me, it was really fun!

Be sure to check out darkestnightskies's profile and give her books a try! As always, stay super x

Be sure to check out darkestnightskies's profile and give her books a try! As always, stay super x

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^Steve and the guy in the back of this gif look like they're starting a dance off :)

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