1- Bucky

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"My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting but um, not Aunt Peggy." Sharon Carter said to Steve Rogers as they walked into the hotel lobby. "She bought me my first thigh holster."

"Very practical." Steve chuckled.

They had just returned from Margaret "Peggy" Carter's funeral where Steve had just found out that Sharon was her niece.

"And stylish." Sharon said smiling.

Sharon pressed the elevator button while Steve stood and waited with her.

"CIA has you stationed over here now?" Steve asked her.

"Berlin. Joint terrorism task force."

"Right. Right. Sounds fun."

"I know, right?"

They looked at each for a moment before Steve cut the silence. "I've been meaning to ask you, when you were spying on me from across the hall."

"You mean when I was doing my job?" She asked correcting him.

"Did Peggy know?"

"She kept so many secrets. I didn't want her to have one from you."

The elevator dinged interrupting the two.

"Thanks for walking me back." She said getting ready to board the elevator.

"Sure." Steve said to her.

"Steve.." Sam said coming around the corner. He sounded upset. "There's something you gotta see."

Steve and Sharon followed Sam to a room where they watched the breaking news report that was happening right now.

Steve took off his coat and laid it over the couch.

"A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than seventy people have been injured, at least twelve are dead including Wakanda's King T'Chaka."

The news screen changed to video footage near the news van just hours before the bombing.

"Officials have released a video of the suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, The Winter Solider. The infamous Hydra agent linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

Steve dialed a number on his phone from where he was standing with a leather jacket, a blue baseball cap, and sunglasses.

"Yeah?" Natasha answered from the other end.

"You all right?" Steve asked.

"Uh yeah, thanks. I got lucky." Natasha said to him. "I know how much Barnes means to you I really do. Stay home, you'll only make this worse. Please."

"Are you saying you'll arrest me?"

"No. Someone will. If you interfere, that's how it works now."

"If he's this far gone Nat. I should be the one to bring him in."


"Because I'm the one least likely to die trying." Steve said before hanging up the phone and heading back into the cafe where Sam was.

"Did she tell you to stay out of it?" Sam asked. "Might have a point."

"He'd do it for me."

"1945, maybe. I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people who shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at me."

After a quick handoff of Bucky's file from Sharon, Steve and Sam headed out to Bucharest where Bucky had been laying low since Washington DC.

Steve wandered through Bucky's apartment, he was in his full suit with a shield in hand.

"Heads up. German special forces closing in from the south." Sam said in Caps ear.

"Understood." Cap replied turning around to face Bucky. "Do you know me?"

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky replied.

"They've set the perimeter."

"I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be, but you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore." Bucky said to him.

"They're entering the building."

"Well the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive."

"That's smart." Bucky said chuckling. "Good strategy."

"They're on the roof I'm compromised."

"This doesn't have to end in a fight Buck.."

"It always ends in a fight."

"Five seconds."

"You pulled me from the river. Why?"

"I don't know." Bucky said pulling off his glove revealing his metal arm.

"Three seconds."

Cap nodded his head. "Yes you do."

"Breach! Breach!" Sam called out as two concussion grenades cane flying through the window.

Steve hit the first one back out and Bucky kicked the second towards Steve who flipped his shied and covered it suffocating the grenade.

A fight instantly broke out.

Bucky threw his table at the door like a barricade preventing the battering ram from getting through.

Two German Soldiers burst through the windows. Bucky punched one in the face and Cap pulled the rug out from underneath other as bullets flew.

The back door opened and Cap grabbed his gun as Bucky kicked him back out the door.

Cap grabbed his shoulder. "Buck! Stop! You're gonna kill someone."

Bucky flipped Cap backwards onto the ground before punching a hole in the floor next to Cap's head. He pulled out a backpack and threw it across onto the roof.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone."

Cap and Bucky finally made it across onto the next roof where they came face to face with the Black Panther.

Bucky took off running again, followed closely by Captain America, and Black Panther.

Sirens roared behind them as they ran.

Cap jumped into the windshield of a car and pulled the driver out before getting in and giving chase to the other two enhanced humans.

The Black Panther jumped onto the back of the police car as Steve passed.

Bucky punched a guy in the chest and grabbed the handle bar of a motorcycle at the same time before he continued going through the tunnels.

The Black Panther ran and jumped at Bucky who caught him in mid jump around his throat. The Black Panther scrambled up the wall pulling Bucky and the cycle down to the street which Bucky managed to stay on by using his metal arm to balance.

The Black Panther searched for another option and grabbed onto the Falcon's leg as he flew past.

Bucky threw a grenade at the entrance to the tunnel as he rode out on the motorcycle. Falcon pulled up to avoid the falling debris sending Black Panther through the dust and into the back of Bucky's motorcycle. Steve jumped out of the car and ran through the rest of the fallen debris and the car rolled over behind him.

Immediately German Special Forces and the police drove in and the brought back up.

Thrusters were heard and the ground shook as War Machine came to a half on the ground pointing his repulsive at the enhanced individuals.

"Stand down, now." Rhodes said to them.

"Congratulations Cap, you're a criminal." Rhodes said Captain America strapped his shield to his back.

Police swarmed in arresting the four of them as Falcon made his way into view. Black Panther retracted his claws and pulled his mask off.

Rhodes and Cap looked on in shock realizing that it was Prince T'Challa of Wakanda, or king now.

"Your highness."

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