17- The End

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Wanda sat cross legged on the couch holding a now cold cup of tea.

It had been a week since everyone had mysteriously disappeared due to Thanos using the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half of all living things.

Wanda hadn't moved in days, her routine was mostly stare, cry, sleep, repeat.

Everyone tried to comfort her as best they could but she wouldn't budge. She had lost so much, everyone had lost so much.

"What's up?" Natasha asked coming up next to Steve at the entrance across the room.

"She hasn't moved in days." Steve said leaning against the trim.

Natasha just stared at Wanda's pale tear stained face. "Poor girl."

Steve looked at her. "How about you, how are you holding up."

Natasha turned away and sat back down at her desk, Steve followed her and sat down across from her.

Natasha stared longingly at the picture on her desk.

Steve, Sam, Carter, and her were all smiling.

"He was like a son to me, Steve." Natasha said tearing up. "You know that?"

Steve nodded. "You're forgetting that he was like mine too." Steve rubbed his hands. "You know he thought of us the same way."

Natasha nodded. "That's what makes this so much harder."

"Hey, you're not the one who had to tell his mother." Steve said to her.

"How was that?"

"I've never seen someone break down as hard as she did."

"Not even Wanda?"

Steve shook his head.

"So what do we do now?" Natasha asked Steve.

"We do what heroes do, we save some lives."

"I'm going to go talk to her." Nat said to Steve passing him and going and sitting on the couch next to Wanda.

Wanda looked over at her and laid her head on Nat's shoulder.

"How you doing?" Nat asked her.

Wanda immediately started to cry. "I miss him so much, he was here and now he's just gone. I don't know what to do."

Natasha rubbed her scalp.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back. We'll get them all back."

16 Days Later...

The Avengers compound started shaking furiously late at night.

Wanda immediately rushed out of her room in a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings almost running into Steve coming out of the bathroom.

"You shaved." Wanda said to him.

"I figured it was time to drop the fugitive look." He said as they met up with everyone else heading out the doors.

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