30- I. Am. Iron Man.

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"I got this." Spider-Man grunted as alien dogs piled on top of him. "I got this. Okay, I don't got this." He said as he was overwhelmed. "Help! Somebody help!" He shouted over comms.

Steve turned around in his direction. "Hey, Queens, heads up!" He yelled as he threw Mjolnir in his direction.

Mjolnir flew over Peter's head as he used his webs to get towed behind it like he was flying.

A energy blast from Thanos's ship caught the webbing sending Spider-Man back to Earth.

Carter was quick as he teleported, grabbing Peter and teleporting then back into the sky. "Hold on." Carter said to him as he teleported away.

Peter fell from the sky again before he was once again caught. "Hang on, I got you kid." Pepper Potts said as she dawned her blue rescue suit.

She used her momentum and threw him to the sky where he was grabbed by Valkyrie and thrown on to Pegasus's back.

"Hey, nice to meet you I'm... Ohhhh my god." He said holding on for dear life.

An explosion ripped a piece of debris sending Peter flying. He was quick to get back up and continued on his path to the van before another blast ripped in front of him shattered his suit and sending him flying into the rubble.

Spider-Man couldn't catch a break.

Heroes were getting blasted all over the battlefield and everything seemed lost until the firing stopped.

The heroes began to gather as Thanos's ship focused firing into the sky.

"What the hell is this?" Falcon asked.

"Friday, what are they firing at?" Tony asked his AI.

"Something just entered the upper atmosphere." Friday responded to him.

A giant ball of light streaked it's way towards Thanos ship and didn't stop until the ship was incapacitated and it fell into the lake.

"Danvers, we need an assist here." Steve said to her.

She landed on the ground just as Ant-man got the quantum tunnel started.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker." He said shaking as she held the gauntlet right against his face.

"Hey, Peter Parker." She said smirking. "Got something for me."

Peter struggled to stand as he handed her the gauntlet. He looked into the raging aliens that charged forward.

"I don't know how you're gonna get through all of that." He said to her.

Valkyrie and Wanda landed behind her. "Don't worry." Wanda said to her.

Okoye joined the others. "She's got help." She said as Rescue landed in the front as Wasp grew to normal size and Gamora, Shuri, Nebula, and Mantis joined from the side.

Carter teleported in with Nat dropping her right in front. He dodged out of the way next to Peter as the woman marched forward.

"Is this like a super women team up. Because that's so cool." Carter said talking to Peter who had never met before.

Peter just chuckled. "My names Peter Parker, I'll be honest. It's nice not fighting you this time." He said referencing our squabble back in Germany.

"Carter Cole." I said shaking hands with him.

Captain Marvel flew through the air destroying tanks and aliens alike as she made her way for the quantum tunnel as Thanos came running in her path to stop her he was quickly knocked backwards by blasts of energy from the other Rescue, Shuri, and the Wasp.

Thanos got up quickly as Danvers flew by and threw his sword directly into the tunnel causing it to explode sending a wave of energy in multiple directions.

Tony threw an alien off of him and saw the gauntlet lying just feet away from him. Instead of going directly for the gauntlet he went for Thanos hitting him with a textbook football tackle but was no match for the Mad Titan as he was thrown off and onto the ground.

Thanos once again went for the gauntlet but was this time stopped by Thor who used all his strength and Mjolnir to try and put Stormbreaker through Thanos's chest. He was quickly aided by Steve who jumped on Thanos's back and helped the god as they fought against Thanos's strength.

Thanos was too strong as he knocked both of them off with ease. He finally had the gauntlet in his grasp but Danvers was back and was kicking his ass. Punches thrown left and right with speed giving Thanos no time to fight back until he found a weak spot and threw Marvel into the debris.

He grinned in victory as he put the glove on and let the power flow through him, his fingers immediately went to snap but Danvers was back in action as she flipped his hand towards the ground and using her insane strength she pulled his fingers back to keep him from snapping.

She had won. Or so it seemed.

Thanos head butted her and she just glared right back at him before rising into the air ready to give him a punch that would send him back to two thousand fourteen.

Thanos was smart as he pulled the power stone from its place and used it knocking Marvel out of commission for good.

Tony rolled over and shared a cryptic look with Strange who did nothing but raise one finger.

Thanos once again went to snap but was met by the man who started it all. Tony grabbed the glove and yanked on it trying to free it from the Titans grasp.

To no avail he was beaten off of Thanos and for a second all hope was lost.

The Avengers watched on as Thanos rose his hand in victory and looked at Tony.

"I am inevitable."

He snapped his fingers and all that was heard was the clink of metal hitting metal as the stones didn't unleash their power.

Thanos looked at his glove in confusion as the stones were out of place.

He looked back at Tony who was on his knees as a glove strong enough to hold the stones grew over his hand with the stones perfectly in alignment.

The stones converged and Tony was flooded with power. Too much raw power, too much for any mortal to wield for long.

As the power set in Tony stared at Thanos and he knew he had one.

It was over.

Thanos looked at him in despair.


"And I..." Tony panted trying to contain the power. "Am. Iron Man."

His fingers clicked and the world erupted in a flash of white.

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