Chapter 3: Shattered

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Watching what was happening, one would think I would be happy to see Tyrin not standing a chance- but I was terrified. Jessica had never used this much power before- I didn't even know she HAD this kind of power. The only time she had come even close to something like this was years ago. That time the power knocked her out, burned her skin, and temporarily crippled her when she woke. This time...

I crawled out of the window of the overturned car, glass getting stuck in my skin several times, but I didn't care. Finally out of the vehicle I started moving slowly to her. Looking around, I didn't see Tyrin anywhere.

I carefully reached out a hand as I approached, "Jess?" I asked. She looked back at me, the energy around her disappearing. She smiled genuinely, burns covering her face. "Jess...?" She was crying... so was I.

She dropped to the ground. "Jessica!" I screamed, at her side in a second. She was a mess, hair frayed, skin burned. She smiled up at me, trying to limply reach up to me. "XAO!"

The adolescent pharaoh was next to me in short order, himself covered in several cuts and bruises. "What in the world was that?" he asked.

"Don't know... Xao your deals- you're still a trickster god right?"

"I... they won't listen to me after all this time. We would have to go to the council itself-"

"How far?" I asked.

"There's an outpost about seven miles from here." I gently petted down Jessica's hair as he answered.

She had been my best friend for over thirty years. "This... this is way beyond even pharaoh drugs, which we don't even have anymore. I can't lose her... I can't... Xao I can't... whatever we have to do... I'll do it... I'll do it."

"What's a trickster?" came the voice of Bart behind us.

I looked back seeing that Jaden had managed to get everyone else out of the cars.

Xao swallowed. "It's what I am," he replied. "A community of pharaohs that combine incredible technologies to make deals with humans, giving them anything they want for anything we want. The power borders on magic... Kyle, I don't even know if we can undo something like this..."

"But we should try right?" Bart asked.

"We will," Xao stood up, himself shaking. "We don't have much time. Everyone say how they're doing right now!" he demanded.

"Nadine covered me with her body when the car was flipped," said Judith. Nadine staggered to her feet but nodded. "She seems alright."

"I... I'm not doing so hot..." Allen said, just laying on the ground.

"DAD!" Jaden ran over to him.

Xao quickly ran over to Allen too. "Stomach wound- it's deep... this isn't good... There's a payphone about half a mile from here." Xao stood up, dancing like he was going to run away. "Jaden, you and Nadine flip the back car back over, put your legs into it. I'll get the werewolf society on the horn... Jessica's in worse condition. Load her into the car... who's in good enough condition to drive?"

"To be honest, I'm a little beat up too," Nadine said. "Having a heck of a time seeing straight. Jaden?"

"Guys I'm only fifteen..." Jaden said back. He looked over at Jessica. "For her... I... well I have driven in a parking lot a few times, how much harder can it be?"

Xao disappeared in a blur of colors.

I put a hand on Jessica's chest, her heartbeat was weak. For a while, she looked at me, but soon enough it seemed even that was straining her, her eyes looking away as she closed them. I hugged her close. "Hang in there... please hang in there Jess..." Tears were streaming out by this point. "What... what was that? What did you do?" I knew she couldn't respond, but I had to ask.

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